chapter thirty-four

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"Why did you get with him in the first place?"

Two weeks without someone sound harsh, but for Bella they were hell. Knowing the moment she will leave the house she would regret leaving Pablo, but she still did it. 

"Because I fell in love with him". 

Two days ago Robert arranged a therapist for his oldest daughter. The relation between those two is complicated, but no father wants to see his daughter suffer like this. 

She didn't step a foot outside, started to eat less, didn't take her medication at the right time. Bella also didn't mind about how she looked, she has no one to impress.

"Then why did you decide to leave that night?", Ina asks.

She has brown hair. Not brown like Bella, a lot more light, nearly looking blonde. Shes probably around fourty, Bella took a good guess, not wanting to ask the elderly woman. Shes wearing something a grandma would wear, but one of those cool grandmothers, who still wants to look like shes in the eightys. 

Flowers, a lot of flowers on her white blouse, in every colour. A little bit too much for Bellas style, but she thinks it fits her and her personality. 

"Because I didn't trust him". 

Maybe some people will never understand the reason why Bella decided to leave Pablo that night, and thats okay. 

"Was there something you hate about him? Or how he was acting?", she questions, Bella shaking her head. 

"Was he acting different that night?". 

No, he acted the same as he did the days before, but thats what made Bella think if this was the right thing to do. 

"No, not really", she says, looking over to the woman, who furrows her eyebrows. Bella looks down to her playing fingers in her lab, knowing that she can't lie to someone with so much knowledge of how people act.  "H-He was acting different, but....he wasn't acting different then the days before, not until I started to talk to him. Still he changed in the month we lived together". 

"How did he change?". Bella sights, leaning her head back a bit, missing the not-existing headrest on the sofa. "He started to be the person again he was when I hated him and when I never thought about being with Pablo". 

"So he stopped giving you attention?". 

"No, no, thats not what I meant, he was still around me and talked to me, but I missed the way he was before we moved together. When I was still kinda living in his parents house and when we talked non stop, that changed". Bella didn't hink about loosing words to Ina about what they did otherwise, but she probably already knows, only by looking into the girls face. 

"Why did you two move together?". 

"It wasn't my decision, he turned eighteen, bought a house, took me with him to have a look at it and then he asked me indirectly if I wanted to move in with him". 

"What do you mean by indirectly?". 

"He was saying something like 'Did you really think I would buy a house and live in it without my girlfriend'". Bellas stomach flutters slightly, thinking back to the night. 

"When did you two start your relationship, or like when did he ask you?". She would like to laught now, but she doesn't, knowing that Ina wouldn't understand it yet and give her a weird look. 

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