chapter twenty-two

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He didn't say a lot anymore. They tried to change the topic to the Ballon d'or 2023 and that the nominees are out in a few days, but the whole situation didn't get better. After some time he left, no feeling good about leaving her alone, but he also needed to think for some time. 

Pedri told her to call him everytime that she wants and she said yes, but talking to Pedri doesn't feel right. Even thought it helps her and makes her be happier, theres something in her that doesn't want to be with him. Not only with him, nearly with everybody. 

She wants to call him not Pedri, but Pablo. He could have stayed with her for some time longer, so maybe that whole thing was just for fun. 

Bella watches how they run through the house, completly stressed. Maybe its bad that Bella feels so good that they are in a bad mood and that their trip apperently went wrong, but she doesn't. 

"What are you smiling at?", Robert asks is a pissed tone, as he walks in the kitchen for the thousandth time. "Is it so funny to you that we are in a bad mood". 

"No its funny to me that you are in a bad mood and I'm in such a great", Bella states with her usual personality. 

"You push people to a temper where they would like to kill you", he walks past her to get a bag thats on the kitchen table. 

"I know". She smiles confidently to herself and looks at Robert, walking past her with the bag in his hand and giving her a shut up look. 

"How was the trip, by the way". She turns around to see Roberts face and the look on it. His features look chill, but his eyes tell something different. Its the same look like on Bellas face when people really fuck her up. She likes putting that look on peoples faces, but she hates having that look on her own face.

"How was your time alone?", he emphasizes the word alone. "Oh and I saw the picture of you and Pablo, by the way". She isn't that shocked that he saw it, she already saw the photo hundert of times. 

"So?", she asks, scrunching her eyebrows and looking him up and down. 

"So, not only I saw it. Do you know how many people, very important people for my career saw it and now have a bad impression of me?". She shrugs, that fact not mattering to her. 

"I know you don't care about my career, but think about Pablos". Robert gives her some time to think about it, which she uses to ignore his action and roll her eyes. 

"Those coaches, businessmen and all of the other people that want to make him one of the biggest footballers. All of them have this picture in their head when they think about Pablo and not his future career".

Its weird how Pablo is so dependent of Robert, but now she realised that he is also acting like him. She looks down to her feet, not because she sorry for Robert and his little plans, its because she thinks about a good answer. 

"You only ever think about yourself". She looks up. 

"Thats not true", she states, nearly falling Robert into his words. 

"Of course you do, think about it"-

"He was the one that kissed me first", Bella interrupts him. "Stop being so fucking obsessed with your little plan about making him a fucking star", she slightly raises her voice, getting agressive more and more about his ugly face and the words that come out of it. 

"You distract hi-". 

"Distract him?", she interrutps Robert again. "He was the one that kissed me, not me. When he really wants to follow your little perfect plan, then he wouldn't have done it". 

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