Chapter six

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The best thing about a football game is, that nobody talks and just screams. The worst thing is the football game itself. Well okay, there is one thing that is worse, being there with your two halfsisters and your stepmother. 

I lean with my head against the window and look at the trafic. Robert had to go way earlier that us, thats why I needed to drive with Anna and the other two beasts. 

"Are you ready for the game?". I startle because of her sudden, shrill and loud scream. For a second I stare at her confused, but when shes just listening to the girls saying how excited they are, I look back out of the window. 

I check myself out in the rear mirror and fix my shirt. I decided to wear a black top, that kind of looks like a sportsbra, just more elegant and with lace. I wear my typical short jeans, that sit so good, that I could wear them everyday. I turn my necklace to the right side, so that the cross now has diamonds on it. 


Two security guards, standing next to Anna and the girls, follow us over the parking spot, to the VIP entrance. I walk before them, because I don't want people to know that I belong to them. 

Nobody knows Anna, okay maybe the hardcore fans, but they are not that many, that she needs not only one, but two securities. 

Finally the two guys leave us alone. I look through the numbers until I find the right row. 

"There", I scream to them, because they didn't help me finding it, they just walked through the hallway. 

I ignore their reaction and go to the end of the hallway. I walk up a stair and meet with the heat and sun of Barcelona. I hold my hand up, to cover my eyes and sit down on my seat. 

Camp Nou is bigger than I expected. I have been in a football stadium once or maybe twice, so I forgot the big size of it. 

Most of the players are warming up or talking to each other. From here I can't see their faces, but you can see the numbers. If I knew any of those numbers, I could also tell their names. 

After a while, I hear Klara choosing the seat next to me. I roll my eyes, but don't say anything, because maybe she will be quiet. 

"Bella, I can't see Papa", she says and begins to smack my arm, when I didn't answer her. I just let her do it, because I don't have the nerv to tell her to stop, without yelling at her. 

"Isabella, she asked you something", I hear Annas voice behind me. I ignore her too, and just roll my eyes again. 


With the start whistle, 90 minutes stared, where men run after a ball and try to get it in a net. Even though I like some teams, I'm 100 % not a fan of Barcelona. 

Its not about the club itself, its just all of the players. Except Luis of course. I'm looking forward to see him again and talk to him. All of the others I'm just going to ignore. 

The last three minutes and its 3:2 for Celta. One goal from Raphinha and the other one from Pablo. 

Its funny, because all of the other people are angry or are crying and I just don't care. I'm just as bored as before the game. Many people get up and leave but I wait until Anna is finally finished talking to someone. One fan. One person that wanted to take a picture with her and now she has been talking to her since thirty minutes. 

Klara and Laura also are bored, but not in the way I am. They just annoy me all the time and don't leave me alone. 

I just took this one chance when nobody looked and went away and didn't stop until I was around the corner. I breath out in relief, when I look back and see that nobody was following me. 

When I turned around I was quickly enough to stop before bumping into someone, so that some of my hairs fall in my face. I don't flinch, but its very easy to see the scare on my face. 

"Ohh did I scare you little girl?", he says and I just look him dead in the eyes. 

"No", I say and start walking again. 

"Really? You looked like you were going to scream". He catches me up and walkes beside me. I just roll my eyes and walk a little bit faster. 

"Did you saw me scoring?", he asks and I make a sudden stop. I was hoping he will just keep walking but he didn't. He also stopped and turns around and looks at me confused. 

"You lost anyways", I say and start walking again, like nothing happend. 

"You know why everyone hates you?", he asks. 

"You know why you just said that? Because you always think you are the best and everyone loves you. Sorry, I'm not like them, I really hate you", I say and make turn to the right. 

"Oh come on, you don't really hate me. You just pretend", he shakes my words of. I make an annoyed breath and look straight forward. I should ignore him, because talking to him makes him feel like he is something better than me. 

"Whore", he whispers under his breath. 

Something suddendly gives me so much strengh, that I can take him by his shoulders and press him against the wall. The suprised look on his face tells me, that I'm not the only one thats suprised by my sudden strengh. 

"Let me tell you something Gavi. I know you can't get that little idea out of your head, that you are better than everyone else, but I advise you to learn how to get that lie out of your head". I dig my fingers into his shirt, so that he stays right where he is. Luckily he doesn't move, but he also doesn't say anything. I look straight in his eyes, but I can't see how or what he is feeling or going to do. The only thing I see is his light brown eye shade and his thick lashes. 

From one to the other second, he is not the one that is pressed against the wall anymore. He shakes my hands off his shoulders, puts his hands on me and presses me against the other wall. 

His grib on my shoulders doesn't hurt, but there is no way I can do the same thing he just did. 

"What? Say something, just like you did before. Tell me how much you hate me", he says and comes closer to my face. The heat in my body goes up and my palms get sweaty.

"Say it". He leans down a bit, so that his forehead is nearly touching mine. "Say it", he says again but a little bit more quiet.

"I fucking hate you, Pablo", I spit in his face. His hands thightend around my shoulders before he lets me go. 

I very quickly take the chance and push him backwards a bit. I lose no second and walk away from him and dissapear behind the next corner. 


So, sorry that I didn't post yesterday but here is a new chapter. 

I'm so freaked out over the 3,5 k reads and the comments under my chapter. 

Please also comment if you liked this chapter. 


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