Chapter nine

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Its easy to be confident, when people can't hurt you the way an illness did, but in hospitals you can't act confident, when you are scared of your body. In the hospitals most people turn into different people. The most get more nice or realise that you only live once. 

Then there are other people, who also turn into other people while they are in the hospital, but they don't get really get any nicer. 

I don't think I need to explain which type I am. 


Two days after my appointment I was feeling okay again. The first time I took my pills with Pedri I was feeling completly fine. Even though yesterday was alright, I felt worse than the day before. 

Maybe because I had someone that was with me, that I trusted and could have helped me if anything bad had happend. I don't think Pedri did it because he wanted to help me, he just did it because I was already looking tired.

 But on the other side I also think that he maybe did it because he sees me as a friend. He told me, that I can call him when I want or need anything and he gave me his phone number. 

Two days ago when I came home, I didn't see a little bit or even just a peep of Robert. Today in the morning he was there from one second to the other one and didn't say anything. 

He has been talking to someone on the phone since like thirty minutes and they always talk about the same shit. Something about better strategies and a new training and food plan. I just listen to his voice talking, while I let the Bracelona sun shine on my face, and burn my skin flakes.

I hear his voice distant from the living room, and a few seconds after that I hear the front door opening. At first I hear some male voices talking and then getting louder. I don't look to the side and can already hear the voice of Luis and Pedri, but also from a few others. I don't want to talk to the others, so I just stay seated and hope I won't look like I'm stalking them.


Its been like half an hour and they are still talking about the same thing. I always just hear Robert and two guys talking, sometimes theres is also a mhm from the others.

After another few minutes I close my eyes and actually I wanted to sleep, but that idea washes out of my head, when I hear someone clap his hands and with that louder voices. To top it off I hear the balcony door open and two people walking out.

I look over to Pedri, who sits down in the chair next to me and for a brief second I look over to the other guy. Pablo just sits in the chair and looks straight ahead.

"And how was the team meeting?", I ask Pedri, when I turn my gaze away from Pablo, who now stops looking at nothing. Nobody says anything, they just look at each other.

"Its the biggest shit", Pedri says.

"What no!", Pablo interrupts him and looks straight ahead again. "He just wants us to act more like adults and achieve our goals".

"Don't you think I want that too?", Pedri asks angrily. "I want nothing more than Barcelona being at its best, but thats not a way to do it".

"And whys that?", Pablo asks. "Robert just wants us to be one of the best players when we are older", he says before Pedri can answer to his question.

"You don't really think, that you are gonna be one of the bests when you still have that of a big ego?". 

"Well, but I'm way more likely to be the best than you. Your just some cheap copy of Messi and thats because your allowed to play in the middlefield". Even I know that that was a little bit too much. Pedri say answers and gets up from his seat. 

"Hey, wait when somebody should leave its him". I nod with my head in Pablos directios, but Pedri is already through the door and closes it shut behind him. 

"You happy now?", I ask him when I turn away from the door. 

"I didn't do anything", he says stubborn. 

"Come on don't be such a baby and behave like an adult, like you want it so much". I can see him turning around to me, but I look straight ahead like he did before. "Maybe make your own decisions and don't listen on someone like him". 

"What is it, that you hate Robert so much?". I turn to him and look him in his eyes. He doesn't look like he cares at all, but his words say something different to me. 

"What is it that you like him? He is not nice, his decisions are dumb and he is selfish". 

"Well thats something you have from him". He looks away and puts his hands on his thights. 

"Excuse me?". 

"Go after him when you care so much about how he feels". 


"Don't act so stupid, just fuck eachother already and the thing is over, and his mind works normal again". 

"How do you know, I didn't already sleep with him". I can see how his arm muscels flew and he moves uncomfortable in his seat. 

"Cause you don't act like it". Acting like I had sex with Pedri? Thats not only weird because he is the teammate of my father, its also weird because he is like 20. 

"Act like what?". 

"You act like you need dick in your life". I hesitate for a moment, because I don't know how to answer on that. 

"Ohh, you can't resist me knowing what you need". I furrow my eyebrows and look back at him. 

He just sits next to me, with a dirty smile on his lips and with his hands on his thighs. 

"You know I'm right". He leans his head back in his neck and smiles at me from that ancle. As I don't answer he gets up from his chair and fixes his hair. 

Without saying another word he leaves me alone on the balcony and goes back to the others. 


Soo, I have a lot going on in life, so I can't write that good. My brain is just not thinking about writing a story, but I will keep going. I promise. 

When you want to you can read another story of my. Its called born in rich. Only when you like of course. 

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