chapter thirty-six

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"Don't you think you can be 100% happy, one day?". Bella shakes her head, not being sure if he saw it, his head being in her lap. 

"There will always be something or someone that is making sure your life won't be perfect", she says detangeling his soft curls. "Do you think life can be perfect?", she asks the boy underneath her. 

"Well, I hope one day I can say that my life is perfect, maybe it will take some time, but I belive that in the end, I want nothin' else but to be happy". 

Happiness was always something that Bella wanted in her life. She never got it 100%, so she tried to make everyone think that she is perfect and therefore also her life. She pretended for too long that she is a cold bitch, that doesn't have any feelings, that she turned into that person. 

"Yeah, that sounds good". Bellas eyes are setteled on the big window in front of them, showing the perfect orange sky. "What do you want to have in the end". Bella shrugs at his question, it sounding to her like some quote out of a movie. 

"I don't know". She feels Pablo shift in her lap, him now sitting next to her. She smiles lightly at the way his hair looks. "Come on, everybody has dreams or things they want to do one day". 

"Well, sorry to disappoint you, but I have none. What about you? What are your dreams? Expect for becoming a footballer". A smile appears on his features, knowing how good Bella knows him, laying back into her lap and Bella continuing to brush through his hair.

"Well, I think I'm gonna be completly happpy when....when I have no doubt in loving a person, because then I know, I found the right one for me". His words almost sound too charming to Bella, almost sounding like from an old movie or something. 

"Thats the only thing you want? Loving someone?", she asks the boy. "Not loving someone, loving one person for the rest of my life", he corrects her words. "And now what about you, what do you want?". 

Bella softly laughs to herself, knowing she has to say something to escape this question. "I want money, clothes, makeup and alcohol". Her tone is pretty serious, but everybody could have heard the sarcasm out of her words. 

The boy underneath her suddenly gets up, pushing her by her shoulders down on the sofa and sitting on her feet. "Come on Bee, I know you have a dream, tell me about it". As she looks up to him, his sudden action still leaving her shocked, she tries to think about a dream. A dream that she wants to have completed when she dies. 

She tries to concentrate by looking away from his gaze, but she fails. Her eyes meet his again, the brown in it sending a shiver down her spine. 

"I want to be the person that you have no doubt in loving".

"And you don't get bored in these walls?", Pedri asks the girl who lays in the bed, walking through the room. "Believe me, you and Pablo have already made my life more interesting here", Bella says in a sleepy voice, watching as Pedri looks out of the window, looking like a typical dad. 

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