Meet the Bride, Meet the Groom

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1 Year after letter exchange


The ship was sailing smoothly over the cold ocean waters and the weather was just amazing today. The sun was shining bright with only a few clouds in the sky.

Ryker and the other Hunters had been sailing for a few days now and Ryker thought his father has been mysterious about it for at least a year now. He has no idea what this is all about, but he guessed it had something to do with a new hunting location.

While the rest of the crew was hard at work, Ryker managed to sneak off to have some time to himself and do what he has been wanting to do since they left Hunter Island. He sat down and lowered his pants a little bit and gave himself the good feeling of pleasure he needed. The girl he had some interesting times with was still stuck in his head and he could not forget about her. Only if his father finds out about it, he will not be happy.

Ryker was enjoying the good feelings he brought to himself as he thought back to the beautiful Hilda. Gods, that girl is so beautiful. Her blond hair waving in the wind, her bright blue eyes that burned right into his soul and her full and round boobs. He couldn't get enough of playing with them as she allowed him to see them and treat them in the way they deserve to be treated.

After a while, Ryker's little brother Viggo came walking up to him. "There you are! Father wants to see you on deck..." He sounded rather disappointed as he saw Ryker was jerking off. "Oh Gods, why do you have to keep doing this? You know father doesn't want you to jerk off while we are still supposed to work during our shifts!" He tried to teach his brother a lesson, but Ryker will never listen to him. He's not the boss of this ship. Ryker is the oldest of them, he definitely doesn't have to listen to his younger brother ever!

"Fuck off, Viggo and leave me be. I'm almost there." Ryker panted out as he kept pumping his cock and he felt he was getting near the point of breaking. The feeling of letting go of his cum always is a great one. "Then I feel necessary to do this." Viggo said and walked out of the room. "Father! Ryker is jerking off on duty again!" He yelled out as he didn't care about it at all.

"No! You jerk!" Ryker scolded out at Viggo, but he was too late to get up as father walked up to him. "How many times do I have to warn you for this, Ryker? You are the oldest of an honorary house among the Hunter tribe, act like it!" He said stern and Ryker knew he had to stop right away. 

"To the deck. Now." He ordered him and Ryker could see his father was mad with him. "But, father..." Ryker tried to ease his father, but he wouldn't have any of it. "Now!" He shouted even louder and Ryker quickly hurried himself to the deck.

When he came there, Ryker saw they were nearing the island they were supposed to go to. "So, what dragon are we going to hunt there?" Ryker asked when his father took his position at the quarterdeck again. "We are not to hunt there, son. We are going there to discuss business with their chief." He explained to him while he kept his posture strong.

His chest was always held well forward, his chin high up in the air and his hands behind his back. Even though Ryker's father's time as chief is slowly nearing its end, he still seemed to be very fit and sharp of mind. Something Ryker admires about him and he looks up to him for that. His father certainly knows how to still impress everyone around him.

"But I cannot recall that we've ever been to this island before. What would they want from us that we are to go to them?" Ryker asked wondering about the reasons behind their voyage. "They are being threatened by one of my best clients and they want us to help them protect their island. We are to give them that help and their chief will offer us something in return." Ryker's father told him very calm and cool, only keeping his gaze at the island that slowly grew bigger on their horizon.

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