Disastrous Date... Or Was It?

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Zaria and Ryker woke up abruptly as Ragnar stormed into their room. "Ryker! Wake up! Today we are to leave for our training island and you will be tested today for your hunting skills." He turned around again and left.

Ryker took a deep breath and grunted out with a big note of annoyance. "Great, I forgot about that." He shoved himself a little closer to Zaria and wrapped an arm around her. "I don't want to be the bad guy here, but I know your father well enough by now that you shouldn't let him wait." Zaria turned herself around.

"He'll understand we are working on our relationship." Ryker grinned and rubbed noses with his wife until he heard his father yell again from the hallway. "Ryker!" Ragnar sounded like he didn't accept any delay. "Alright, I'm coming!" Ryker yelled back in annoyance.

He stepped out of bed and grabbed his clothes. "I'm really sorry, Zaria. I was hoping we could go on that date today, but of course my father has to ruin my plans for today." He said as he put his pants on. "Don't worry, we'll get that chance." Zaria wrapped herself in the blankets again and gave Ryker her cute look.

"Don't give me that look, because I just wanna crawl back next to you." Ryker poked her nose and smiled. "Be careful out there today then." Zaria told him. "I will be, don't worry." Ryker leaned down to her again and kissed her head. "You're beautiful." He whispered as Zaria's eyes slowly fell shut again.

After a long sail towards the island, everyone on board was called together. "Alright, gather around." Ragnar spoke up from the group to instruct everyone. "Today's training excercise is to capture the most powerful dragon that is to find on this island. I won't tell you which kind of dragon that is, it is for you to find out by yourself. Catch it, but don't kill it. This particular species will be released after being caught. Got it?"

The group split up to get back to their chores, but one person remained on his place. "Ryker, why aren't you doing anything?" Ragnar came to him with a bit of an angry voice. "Well, to be really honest, father? I was hoping this morning that I could go on a date with Zaria, but you had to call me out of bed and leave her behind. So I'm quite agitated that I couldn't stay with her and work on our relationship." Ryker told his father with an equal amount of anger.

"Oh, were you? And what were you planning on doing with her?" Ragnar folded his arms. "I'm not sure yet. We would've found out something to do together." Ryker answered and looked away from his father, thinking hard on an activity to do with his wife.

"Why aren't you just going to do something simple like going for a walk?" Viggo suggested as he walked past him. "You think that would be enough already?" Ryker asked. "Your brother makes a good point there, son. Doing something simple is most effective to start building a relationship in most cases, your mother loved going for walks when your grandfather made us marrying each other." Ragnar pointed out to him.

"Hmm, maybe I will go on a walk with her, but not on Hunter Island. She has seen the island already and it's a lame place to find some nice views and interesting spots to go or show her." Ryker thought out loud. "Well, why not go to one of the nearby islands with her then? There are great options there." Viggo thought with him. "If you go there, make sure you have at least a few experienced men with you, just in case something happens. But for now, focus yourselves on the task at hand and get back to work." Ragnar said.

After a long day of hunting, Ryker came back to Zaria. "Hey! How was your day out hunting? Did you pass the test?" Zaria immediately found her way into Ryker's arms the moment he stepped into their room. "It was quite a good day today. I did pass my test as well as Viggo did. Only a few of the rest didn't pass it." Ryker wrapped his arms around her again. "I missed you today." He admitted to her. Zaria's cheeks flushed red as she thought it was really sweet he said that to her.

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