Leegeo Island Report

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As the weeks slowly ticked by, the weather outside was changing. Flowers were blooming, baby animals were born and the warmth of the sun slowly made the days more bearable. Ryker and Zaria were getting really excited now that the arrival of their child was only days away.

As Ryker stood outside to breathe in the Spring breezes and took a look around, he saw a Terrible Terror land in the message house. He stepped up to the house to check the letter that came in as the little dragon was drinking a bit of water. Ryker inspected the letter and saw it was addressed to his father.

Coming inside, Ryker knew where his father would be and went to see him. "A letter came in for you, father. Guess it's from uncle Ralff, looking at the handwriting." He handed the letter over to his father. "Thank you, son. I was waiting for this message." Ragnar gladly took it. "Ryker? Where are you?" They heard in the hallway. "Father's work room, darling!" Ryker replied to Zaria.

Zaria walked in a few seconds later and looked tired. "Hey, I thought you would sleep in this morning." Ryker walked up to her and took her in his arms, giving her a loving kiss to greet her. "I wanted to, but the little one is being very active again." Zaria complained and sighed out, feeling the baby kick around a lot. "Excuse me? It's no playground in there!" Zaria spoke to the little one and joked around.

Ragnar laughed with them as he read through the letter. He sighed out deep and leaned back into his chair. "What's wrong? I know that look, father." Ryker noticed the change in his father's mood. "There is some bad news coming from Leegeo Island." He told them and heard Zaria gasp.

"What happened?" Her voice trembled. "I'm afraid I have to inform you that your island has been attacked. My brother says..." Ragnar said, but Zaria lost her mind about the news. "You promised us you would protect my island and my people! You didn't keep your promise to my father!" She screamed out in rage at him as tears started to flow down her cheeks in large numbers.

Ryker held her in his arms and held her close to him to let her calm herself. "I wasn't finished with what I was to tell you. Calm yourself or I will have to remove you from this room." Ragnar warned her, but Ryker stepped up for her. "Father, please! It is about her island and you know how much she loves her home!" He protested as Zaria tucked her face in the crook of his neck.

"Very well, but she must learn to hold her tongue from using such words to a chief and to her father-in-law. As I said, there has been an attack on Leegeo Island. My brother Ralff says the force and strength of this threat is something he has never seen before and he is, unfortunately, unable to do much about it. He asked me to send help as soon as I can, and I will send that requested help. I shall go there myself to see how bad it is." Ragnar said and stood up to leave the room.

"I'm coming too!" Zaria said determined. "Absolutely not! You are with child with only days to go! You will stay here and welcome your child into this world in a safe environment, which is Dragon Hunter Island." Ragnar sneered strictly at her.

"It is my island we are talking about, my people that are in need of help. My help! My father might need my help! I am the Leegeo Island chief's daughter, I have a duty to my people and I will make sure I will offer them my help. And if I remember correctly, it have been you and my father that arranged the marriage between Ryker and me. I came to live here as an exchange for your assistance in defending Leegeo Island, so I am the bridge between our two tribes!" Zaria sneered back with tears in her eyes.

"She... kind of makes a point, father." Ryker nervously stood by his wife's side. "Are you seriously taking her side, Ryker?" Ragnar only got more annoyed with the resistance of his son and his wife. "I will always take her side as she is my wife. I love her and you know that. While I know she loves me as well, I know she also still loves her island beyond anything else. Let her come with us. We will take a few midwives with us, just in case." Ryker pleaded with his father.

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