Hunters are Bullies

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A few weeks had passed since Ryker and Zaria realized the love they feel for each other and Ryker has been committing himself to his wife. And so had he been doing this morning. He stroked Zaria's hair as she was still sleeping in his arms.

"I love you, my Zaza butterfly." He whispered and gently pressed his lips against her forehead, loving her with every fiber in his body. She wailed softly as she tried to sleep on. Ryker chuckled softly and pulled her closer to him. "There is no way you can make me stop loving you the way I always do." He softly spoke to her as he watched her slowly wake up.

"Hey. Good morning, my gorgeous butterfly." He spoke softly to her and kissed her cheek as she rubbed her eyes. "You're such a goofball." Zaria giggled as she loved him being like this. "Maybe, but I just want to be able to show you how much I love you." He admitted to her.

As the love couple spent some time cuddling together, there was a knock on the door. "Ryker! Breakfast is ready. Father is expecting you." Viggo's voice sounded from the other side of the doors. "We'll be right there, brother!" Ryker said quickly, just to get rid of him disturbing the two of them enjoying their time together.

As Ryker knew Viggo had left their doors, he chuckled and took Zaria back in his arms, kissing her again and again. "Ryker, don't you think we have to listen to your father's wish to be present at the breakfast?" Zaria giggled and moaned out as Ryker kissed her in her neck. "Ah, he will be fine if we are there a little later than usual." He shrugged and kissed her some more.

After a few minutes of some love, the two love birds got out of bed and got dressed, getting ready to join the other family members at the dining table for breakfast. "Will there be anything in particular that we have to do today?" Zaria asked as Ryker guided her by the arm. "Not that I know of. Father will probably tell us in a few minutes." Ryker smiled at her as they walked around the corner.

"Ah, there you are. I was already wondering what was taking you so long." Ragnar welcomed them. "Yes, I apologize, father. I needed some extra time with my wife this morning." Ryker took the blame and sat down. "I bet you did. I'm glad you give your wife some extra attention. Seeing she's your number one priority, makes sure your bond together is strong." Ragnar smiled as he grabbed a slice of toasted bread and smeared some yak butter on it. Ryker dug into the breakfast like a hungry bear as he grabbed a lot onto his plate.

As he took a few bites of his bread, he noticed Zaria hadn't grabbed anything yet. "You alright, my love?" He asked as he put the food down. "Yes, I'm just not that hungry this morning." She said, trying to avoid everyone's gaze. "Well, you have to eat at least something. You can't work on an empty stomach." Viggo shared his concerns. "Viggo is right. You should eat." Ryker took her hand in his and looked at her with his caring eyes.

Zaria hesitantly grabbed herself a small piece of bread to eat, but she struggled a lot swallowing it. It took her a while to come halfway when she put the bread down again. Viggo noticed her struggles and made Ryker aware of them as well, signing him with his eyes.

When Ryker looked over at Zaria, he saw her face had turned a little pale. "Are you sure you're alright, Zaria?" He kneeled down and looked at her with major concerns in his eyes. "No, I'm not feeling well." Zaria said.

Ryker noticed she started to salivate more and more. He saw a servant was walking through the hallways with a bucket in both hands and did not even think twice. Ryker got up and ran off to the servant, grabbing one of the buckets out of his hands. "Hey!" The servant yelled out startled and got even more annoyed when Ryker threw all the water on the ground and ran back into the dining room. "Here." He handed Zaria the bucket just in time. Zaria's stomach cramped up horribly and let her throw up a few times.

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