Night Furies In Distress

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Only a week after the dreadful event with Drago Bludvist, the den was still quite at unease with the things that have happened. They all felt the effects off the cruelty that has been shown to their caretaker. All dragons felt down and upset, not knowing well what this threat could mean for them.

Valka had been notified about what happened and came over to help out as much as she could, mostly taking care of Zaria and her burned leg that was wrapped in bandages. "Alright, that should do it for now." She said as she finished up wrapping new bandages around Zaria's leg after embalming it in ointment.

"I have to get up and back to work." Zaria tried to get up, but Valka stopped her. "No, you have to rest. You are unable to move around here, your leg needs to heal." She said caringly. "But there are still so many dragons out there that need to be rescued! Look at what that monster did to those dragons, he had hypnotized them into obeying him!" Zaria resisted to Valka's wish.

"I'll go." Ryana offered. "Are you sure? You are only ten years old, I'm not sure if I would want you out there." Zaria said concerned. "Maybe it is a great opportunity for Ryana to make up to the things that went wrong last time. I'm sure she'd be more careful now." Valka looked over to Ryana.

"I will be more careful now. That monster sure made an impact on me too. That helpless girl you once knew, is no more. She died when she was on that ship, the survivor took over from her and doesn't want to let go of her now." Ryana mocked with crossed arms.

"I'm still not a big fan of the idea of you going alone." Zaria said concerned. "I'm not alone! I have Skykarver!" Ryana retorted annoyed. "You also had her with you when you left my side multiple times and got yourself into trouble." Zaria fired back.

"Enough, you two!" Valka shouted out to shush them. "Look, Zaria, you're right. There are still many dragons out there that need our help. You are unable to do anything for the upcoming weeks, not even counting the unknown amount of time you'll need to get back on your feet.

I think it is a good idea Ryana is going. That way, she can earn your trust back again and bring back new dragons. Just be careful this time, and do not mingle with unknown threats just yet. Try to scout the area around the den and look for perhaps injured or lost dragons, and bring them here. I will wait until you're back and help you look after them." Valka suggested.

"I guess that's an option. But what if I'm on an island alone, but other people suddenly appear?" Ryana questioned. "Then you're getting out of there immediately." Zaria filled in quickly, but Valka calmed her down. "Try to get away from them without being seen or heard. You know pretty well how to sneak around, use that to your advantage." Valka brought it calmer, having a much better effect on the girl than Zaria.

"I will. I will be gone for a few days maybe, depending on the shape those dragons are in." Ryana said and packed her stuff, ready to leave straight away. "Ryana, before you go!" Zaria called to Ryana. "What? What is it?" Ryana answered annoyed. "Before you go, take this." Zaria said and took off her Changewing tooth necklace. "Ew! That tooth necklace! Why would you give me that?" Ryana was grossed out by it.

"I'm giving this to you because I'm passing it down to you after your father gave this to me as a gift. We were married for not that long and we had a tough start of our marriage, as we didn't like each other in the beginning." Zaria told her.

"Then why would you be married to him? I would never be married to someone I don't like." Ryana thought it was odd that her mother would do that. "We had an arranged marriage, our fathers chose for us to be married. We didn't have a choice." Zaria calmly explained.

"Anyway, after we started to work on our relationship, we went on a date to a nearby island. We went on a long walk, talking to each other, having a laugh and getting to know each other. When we were relaxing, we were attacked by a Changewing. Your father was smashed into a tree, telling me to run. I ran and was hit by a blast of acid." Zaria said and showed Ryana the scars of her right arm.

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