Viggo's Marriage (V)

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Only weeks after Ryker had left the island, Viggo was struggling to keep himself entertained. Playing games against Ryker and mocking him were the things that kept him occupied for most of the days, but now he was just bored. Even helping out the tribe or playing a game of Maces and Talons against himself wouldn't make him feel any better.

Viggo was sitting in the Great Hall playing a little with his cup. "Viggo? Are you okay?" He heard someone ask him. Viggo looked up to see Ula, one of the maidens, stand there with a jug in her hands, looking very concerned about him. "Hey, Ula. No, to be very honest with you, I'm not that okay." Viggo answered her.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Ula offered a listening ear to him. "I guess that's not a bad idea, actually. I have no one else to talk to anyway." Viggo looked down to the cup in his hand. Ula sat down opposite of him and started to talk to him.

After a while of talking, it was time Ula would go back to work. "Thank you, Ula. I feel much better now that I had someone to talk to." Viggo felt much better. "And you can always come to me if you want to talk again." Ula said as she grabbed her stuff. Viggo took her hand and kissed the top. "You have my gratitude." Viggo didn't break eye contact when he kissed her hand. Ula's cheeks started to flush bright red when she walked off, leaving Viggo smiling like a moron.

"Son?" Ragnar came walking up to Viggo. "Father? How long have you been standing there?" Viggo was a little startled by his father's quick approach. Ragnar chuckled as he stepped closer to his youngest son. "Long enough to see you and Ula talk to each other." He said. Viggo sighed out that he couldn't even have a conversation with an interesting person.

"You and Ula seem to have some sort of connection, don't you?" Ragnar asked Viggo out of interest. "I mean... It is possible?" Viggo leaned back against the table, crossing his arms, but didn't look his father in the eyes. "I think there is some chemistry going on between the two of you." Ragnar triggered into Viggo admitting it.

"Okay, maybe there are some feelings I have for her. I wouldn't even mind if I were to marry her, but she's a servant to our family. There's no way she could become my wife in any way. It would only make our family look ridiculous if the son of the chief is to marry one of its servants." Viggo sounded even more upset than he was before. "Never say never, son." Ragnar tried to put Viggo to other thoughts. "In this case, father, it is a never." Viggo mocked to himself and walked off.

As three months had slowly passed by, Ragnar's condition had worsened. His health had been failing him and Ragnar knew his time being alive would be cut short. He had been spending more time in his bedroom as he did not have much strength to walk to the Great Hall every day anymore.

"You wanted to see me, father?" Viggo stepped into his father's bedroom after he was called in. "Yes, son. Please, sit." Ragnar gestured Viggo to have a seat next to the bed. "I have called you in here because I have something to share with you. My life may not be long anymore, but I still want to see you get married, so I have arranged a bride for you." Ragnar started. "You have? So you are going to treat me like Ryker..." Viggo mocked and complained.

"I wasn't finished yet, son. Because I have faith in you that you can carry on the legacy of our family line, and perhaps take up the duty of chief, I have arranged a marriage for you with Ula." Ragnar said and Viggo's eyes shot up to him. "Are you serious, father?" Viggo asked perplexed.

"Yes. I have seen how you and Ula are together and I have no reason to stand in between that than to unite you in marriage. She will no longer be a servant to our family anymore, as she will be your wife. I know the two of you can be very happy together and I am looking forward to see you bring a new generation into our family line." Ragnar smiled.

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