Hollow Trees And Picnics Among The Flowers

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Waking up in the earliest of the morning, Ryker looked over to see Zaria still sound asleep on his chest. A little smile appeared as he couldn't believe they truly found love within each other now. And with his seed in her womb, his hopes of having a child really came close to becoming reality. "I will spoil you for the rest of my days. Our family will grow and you will be the most amazing mother there is." Ryker whispered to her.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door and Viggo peeked his head around the corner. "You got what I wanted?" Ryker asked. "Yep, got it right here!" Viggo stepped up to his brother and gave him a small item. "This is a perfect size and form. It looks perfect overall. Thanks." Ryker took a look at it before quickly hiding it as Zaria slowly woke up.

"Get out!" Ryker hissed. "Hmph, ungrateful son of a..." Viggo mumbled in annoyance. "Yeah, yeah, just add it to the pile and shut up in Thor's name." Ryker said annoyed when he heard Zaria breathe in deep and stretch out. "Good morning, my dearest." Ryker smiled and kissed her on the top of her head. "Morning..." She greeted him very sleepy.

"Hey, I was thinking of doing something fun today. We had two days of doing something, but with both we ended up in danger." Ryker suggested. "Do you think we can do something that is less... dangerous?" Zaria asked and giggled, joking about it but at the same time being very serious about it.

"Well, I do know one thing we can do in the fields not too far away from here. And it is on Hunter Island itself, so I know there is no big threat over there. Come on. Let's get ready and grab some stuff from the kitchen." Ryker's eyes sparkled with mischief, but also with a lot of love.

Coming to the field, the fragrant flowers greeted the two lovers and filled their noses with a pleasant scent. "I love these flowers! They smell so nice!" Zaria said and got down on her knees to smell some of the colorful flowers that bloomed in the field. "I can understand, many different flowers grow here. That's why I took you here." He said, making her look up, and gave her a wink.

Finding a good spot, Ryker settled down and unpacked everything he had with him. A big piece of cloth, two cups and plates, a big bottle of wine and ale, and some fruits and bread. "Milady, the picnic is ready." Ryker bowed playfully, offering her his hand. "Oh my, thank you, good sir." Zaria played along and took his hand, sitting down with him.

Talking a lot, having a laugh, enjoying the food and drinks, time really passed by quickly. "Wow, Ryker. I didn't know you were truly that sweet when I first met you." Zaria's cheeks flushed red, turning her head away from him. "Hey, it's alright. Let's just say we both needed some time to open up to each other." Ryker chuckled as he took a sip from his ale.

"Guess we did." Zaria said and let herself fall backward, staring at the skies above her. "Are you alright, darling of mine?" Ryker asked as he frowned. "Yeah, I'm fine." Zaria sighed out and closed her eyes for a bit. Ryker came closer to her and laid down beside her, not saying a word.

"I used to do this all the time with my dad, you know?" Zaria broke the silence after a couple of minutes. "Do what?" Ryker asked confused, but also very curious. "Watch the clouds and tell each other what you see in them. Just let the imagination flow free." Zaria explained. "Okay, I see. Hmm, let's see what we get in the clouds today then." Ryker smiled and turned his gaze to the sky.

A few minutes passed and a variety of clouds had passed by. "Look! That looks like a galloping horse!" Zaria said. "Hmm, probably Lashka trying to pull a prank on us from Valhalla." Ryker joked. "You think?" Zaria giggled when Ryker saw the next one. "That one over there looks like the head of a Monstrous Nightmare, don't you think?" He chuckled.

"I've never done this before." Ryker laid his hand under his head and enjoyed the moment. "You haven't? Wow, my dad and I used to do this every time we got the chance for it, and that was hard at times because of his role in the tribe." Zaria said and got a little upset. "Hey, it's alright. I know you miss your father. Come here." Ryker took her into his arms.

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