Turning Point of Love

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Two weeks after Zaria was free from the pain in her back, she walked into the private living room for the Grimborn family. "I'm off to the market to get some eggs. Is there anything you need?" Zaria asked the men sitting around the table. Viggo and Ryker were in the middle of a game of Maces and Talons and Ragnar was reading through some of the reports that came in from Leegeo Island.

"That is a task for the maidens. Don't bother yourself with their work." Ragnar sighed out and put the letter away. "But I want to go, a small walk to get my mind off of things and get some fresh air." Zaria insisted on going. "Alright, if that is what you wish. Here, a few coins to get some smoked eel. Make sure you get the good ones, it is a real delicacy." Ragnar said and grabbed some more papers.

Zaria grabbed the coin pouch and her own stuff and stepped out of the door. It felt good to be out of that hall for once, after being cooped up in there for too long. Zaria made her way to the market and looked around for the things she needed. She quickly came past the stand where the eels were being sold.

"Good morning! I would like to purchase a few smoked eels for lord Grimborn." Zaria greeted the man with a smile, but that guy clearly didn't have his day. "I'm not selling anything to you or that bastard of a chief today. Come back later, or no! Maybe even better! Don't come back at all." The man stood awfully close to Zaria and she could smell that he had been smoking just moments before she arrived.

"I'm not sure if I can just tell the chief that you won't be selling any eel to him anymore. May I ask what is bothering you that you don't want to sell anything to him?" She stood there awkwardly, having to lean back a little as the man towered over her and she felt threatened by it.

"You tell him that I am done with his easy and lazy way of getting work here done. He just sends his servants out to bring the word, but do we see him take action into something? No! He just sits on his ass making easy gold through taxes while the rest of us are working hard do earn enough to live. Enough is enough." The man growled at her.

"Okay, uhm... I will deliver the message, only if you can sell me three smoked eels right now." She tried to bargain with the man. He huffed out and walked back to grab the desired fish and packed them up for her. "That will be five gold, then." He growled and didn't like this at all. "I'm not sure if that is the usual amount that is paid for this fish." Zaria questioned the situation.

"You wanted this fish? Then it is five gold and you can tell the chief the reason why I have raised the price for it." The man held the wrapped up fish back. "Fine." Zaria grabbed her pouch and paid the overpriced fish.

She quickly got away from the market stand and went to look for someone who could sell her some eggs. "Good morning, I would like to buy a dozen eggs, please." Zaria greeted the woman the same she greeted the man, but she got the same reaction. "Hmph, I'll give you some, but send some of the fancy maidens the chief has next time. You are no good to the island and the tribe. Just do us a favor, girl. Get the Hel out of here and go back to your own island." The woman handed her twelve eggs, breaking the last one in her hand.

"Oops! You still need to pay for twelve eggs, though." The woman turned around and let Zaria stare baffled on what just happened. "That is not fair! You deliberately broke that egg in my hand, I'm not going to pay for that!" She refused, but the woman played a dirty game with her. "Listen, girl. Better you pay up for twelve eggs right now, or you can hand them all back. Your choice." The woman said not too kind and held her hand up, gesturing Zaria to give her the money. Zaria reluctantly paid the price, packed the eggs carefully in her basket and left to go back to the Great Hall.

As she quickened her pace to make her way up to the Great Hall, some guy bumped into her as she passed the pig stables. Zaria fell in and was covered in a thick layer of mud and pigs manure. The people that stood around her laughed hard while Zaria's eyes slowly filled themselves with tears.

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