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Coming back to the island, Zaria immediately went looking for her family members. "Zaria!" She heard Viggo call out to her, walking up to her with a few other people accompanying him. "Where's Ryker? Or Raul?" She asked. "I'm sure they're on their ways. In the meantime, we have to discuss things ahead of the battle." He said.

Zaria looked over to the two men that stood by him. "And who are they?" She asked. "Where are my manners? These are Stoick the Vast, chief of the island of Berk, and his son, Hiccup Haddock the Third." Viggo introduced them to her. "Hi, there!" Hiccup waved friendly. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Dragon Lady." Stoick greeted her with crossed arms.

"So, why are you here, but there are no forces from your island?" Zaria wondered. "We went ahead and came along with Viggo to discuss most important matters first. Our ships and other Dragon Riders are on their way. Should not take too long to get here." Stoick filled her in.

At that moment, the sound of some loud wing flaps filled the area over the village as Ryker and Munchauser flew in. Zaria almost flew into his arms when he stepped off, locking her lips on his. "I missed you." She said when she looked up. "I missed you too, my love." Ryker's eyes were so full of love for her as he pressed his lips against hers again.

"Ahum..." Viggo cleared his throat. "I suggest we go to the Great Hall and discuss the matters at hand." Viggo pointed out to them when Ecko bumped Viggo aside. "Hey, bud!" Zaria greeted him with a chin scratch. "Oh my Gods..." She heard Hiccup breathe out. "By Odin's ghost!" Stoick yelled out a little louder. "Guess you are surprised to see a Night Fury?" Zaria giggled. "It's not just that, Zaria." Ryker smiled. "How so?" She got curious. Hiccup brought his fingers to his lips and whistled.

Just a few seconds later, another male Night Fury came hopping around the corner. "Easy, bud! Toothless!" Hiccup had to get the hyperactive and enthusiastic dragon calmed down again. "Is this...?" Zaria's eyes went wide. "Yes, this is the Night Fury Viggo and I told you about. This is Toothless." Ryker pointed out to her.

"Hiccup, whenever we are done with this war that is coming up, I need to talk to you about your dragon. There is a chance we can save the species." Zaria told him. "Wait, what?" Hiccup asked baffled. Ecko roared as the Ghast and Dawn, and the two rescued females, now named Dustfeather and Jewel, came running up to join them.

"More Night Furies? This... This is amazing!" Hiccup couldn't believe what he was seeing. "I admire your enthusiasm about the other Night Furies, Hiccup, but we really have to get going to the Great Hall right now." Viggo got a little annoyed and urged the rest to keep their minds to the task at hand.

1 Week later

"Chief! The Defenders of the Wing are here! Ships carrying the Berk colors too!" A man ran into the Great Hall, where Viggo was looking over maps Zaria had drawn for him. He had to know what environment they would wage war against Drago Bludvist to have at least some advantage over them. "Perfect. Make sure they will come here immediately." Viggo told the man, who quickly turned around to get to work.

"I've also seen Dagur and Heather are arriving too." Hiccup walked up to him as well. "Excellent! That only leaves the Outcasts and Wingmaidens to arrive, as well as Zaria's acquaintance." Viggo was glad things were speeding up at this point. "Acquaintance?" Hiccup frowned. "There is another Dragon Lady out there who's willing to help as well." Viggo informed him.

"She actually has the same story as me." Zaria came walking up with Ecko by her side. "And what story is that?" Hiccup asked curiously. "She was also taken away from her husband and child by a dragon." Zaria shrugged, but Hiccup saw something in his father's eyes. "Eh, dad? Is everything okay?" He asked him. "Yes, son... Everything is alright..." Stoick said and walked out of the door to get some fresh air.

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