The Council

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The following morning, Ryker and Zaria were still in their bed, cuddling up with each other and sharing love between them. Ryker surely knew how to spoil Zaria with good feelings in the morning with lots of kisses, cuddles and more.

As the hours ticked by, Viggo came into their bedroom, disturbing them in the act. Viggo cleared his voice as Ryker and Zaria kissed each other lovingly and passionately. "By the Gods, Viggo! Don't you know what privacy is?" Ryker complained as he stepped off his wife, holding her in his arms and hold her against his chest.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, big brother, but there is still a lot of work that has to be done this morning." Viggo started, but Ryker did not want to hear any of it. "I told you I want to take a few days off so I can spend that time with my wife! Work can wait." Ryker turned himself away from his younger brother, focusing himself on Zaria again.

"Fine, you can have a few days off, but the council still wants to see you in the meetings. That is the only thing I ask of you for now." Viggo sighed out. "Yeah, yeah, I'll be there. Just leave us be for now, please." Ryker mocked to his brother again. "Alright, I'll go. But just for your own information, cover yourself more with the blankets. You're showing yourself." Viggo headed for the door when he saw Ryker slap himself on his butt. Zaria spurted out laughing at the hilarious thing Ryker did when Viggo just rolled his eyes, sighed out once again and left the room.

"Okay, I have to say. Even though that was a little immature, it was funny." She said to him. "Ah, well. Even though I have changed a lot since you disappeared, my sense of humor luckily stayed the same." He shrugged about it, getting into a mischievous mood as he grabbed Zaria firmly and frolicked with her all around.

Zaria was left crying of laughing and gasping for air as Ryker wouldn't stop until she managed to get out of his grip and stepped out of the bed. "Where do you think you're going, beautiful?" Ryker tried to grab her again and pull her back into the bed with him. "I think we do need to get ourselves something to eat and drink. I'm incredibly thirsty." She grabbed some of her clothing as Ryker sighed out. "I guess you're right. You should hear my stomach right now. I feel like I could eat a whole boar!" He stepped out of bed just as his stomach rumbled loudly.

Zaria laughed at it and threw Ryker's pants into his face. "Well then, mister Boar Slayer. Come on and eat that whole boar. I dare ya!" She made a little fun with him, pouncing him back onto the bed. "Oh, don't tempt me, because I will do it!" He played along with her and made a little fun out of it. They had a little quick kiss before they finally got out of bed.

An hour had passed when Ryker opened the doors and nonchalantly walked into the meeting hall. "Sorry I'm late. Some stupid folks really took their time today at the plaza." Ryker complained as he took his place at the table. "What is that woman doing in here? She is not supposed to be in here, this is a council meeting! No villagers or pests should be in here when the council meets up for important matters to be discussed." One of the council members spoke disgrace of Zaria taking a seat a bit further away from the table.

Ryker smashed his fist into the table and spoke directly to the councilman. "You say that about my wife again, name her a pest one more time, and I will remodel that face of yours." He was once again ready to stand up for his beloved wife. "Ryker, calm yourself." Viggo came in between.

"Please, do tell me why Zaria, Ryker's wife and my sister-in-law, is not allowed in this room?" Viggo leaned onto the table, eyeballing the councilman in particular. "She is an outsider, Viggo. She has been gone for many years, then she shows up and now you let her in on our meeting? You have to remove her from this room." He urged Viggo.

"Oh, usually I would, but then again... Who has the final word about such occasions?" Viggo gave him a certain look that made the councilman know his place again and sat down. "Zaria, you can stay here if you wish." Viggo smiled at her, getting a smile in return. "Now, there is much that has to be discussed, gentlemen. I'd suggest we begin." Viggo turned himself back to the other councilmen.

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