Farewell... But Wait!

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"Zaria, no!" Ryker yelled out when he saw what Drago did to his beloved wife. Seeing her fall to the floor, seeing her blood on the bull hook, the grin on Drago's face, it all made him worry so much about her.

He ran up to her, leaving Ryana behind, and took her in his arms. "Hey, shh. Shh. Easy now. Hold on." He said as he saw how much in pain she was, heard her breath stall and watched as her eyes were wide open.

"Mother!" Ryana came to her side panicking, tears of fear streaming down her eyes. Raul joined the family and took her in his arms, let her cry on his shoulder while he leaned his head on hers. "Mother will be fine." He tried to remain unaffected by this tragic turn of events, but the tears stung behind his eyes.

"The Dragon Lady is down. You can't save her!" Drago shouted out angrily, yet despicably triumphant, and laughed maniacally about it. The other tribe leaders had the insane man surrounded, all of them clenching the handles of their weapons.

"Ryker, is she alright?" Viggo quickly took the chance to ask his brother about his sister-in-law's condition. Ryker didn't respond, only caring about his weaker growing wife. "Ry... ker..." Zaria stuttered. "Shh, don't speak, my love." Ryker held her close to him, seeing the spirit in her slowly vanish.

"Looks like I win this time. You, the Dragon Lady, have doomed yourself! Death will come for you soon, there is nothing you can do about it!" Drago scolded out and laughed. His laugh fired up a never seen before rage within Ryker. His eyes could shoot fire, his strength could strangle any man that would stand in his way and his lust for death was insatiable.

Ryker laid Zaria down, stood up and grabbed his swords, stomping up towards the one-armed man with the metal arm and bull hook. "Everybody, stand clear!" Viggo warned the rest of the people standing around, knowing his brother could be dangerous to anyone in his path.

Everyone jumped out of the way as Ryker blindly swung his blade around, reacting to every little sound that was around him. "You wanna fight? Then we will fight. Come on!" Drago accepted the challenge and swung his bull hook around, aiming more at Ryker's head, trying to quickly finish him off.

Miraculously, Ryker blocked his attack and managed to strike back, slicing a deep cut in his opponent's side. Drago yelled out in pain and agony, letting his bull hook fall to the planks. He struggled to get his posture back when he saw Valka.

Drago rushed over to her and grabbed her, pulling a hidden blade from behind his back and hold it to her throat. "One Dragon Lady has died! The other one will go as well!" He threatened to slit Valka's throat on the spot. "Valka!" Stoick yelled out panicked and broke through several lines of men that tried to stop him, including Viggo.

"Stoick, don't do this! Ryker will kill you! He's not himself and he won't know the difference between you and Drago." Viggo warned him. "I lost my wife once, I'm not going to lose her again!" Stoick pushed through when Valka talked to him. "Stoick, don't! Listen to him." Her eyes begged him to listen. Drago laughed lowly as he enjoyed the moment of glory that was only inches away from him. "See? I win. You will all bow to me!" He demanded.

Viggo and the other tribe leaders looked to what was going on behind Drago, making him frown. "Hmm, you want us to bow to you, but have you considered what they might think of you as their leader?" He asked cool and calmly, taking his typical posture up with his hands behind his back.

"Huh?" Drago turned around, only to see Ecko, Toothless and all the other dragons growling at him, some standing on the high ground of the quarterdeck, some hovering in the air. Even the white and black Bewilderbeasts looked furious at him. Drago's eyes went wide in fear and his courage sank into his boots.

"Open fire!" Viggo shouted out, giving Ecko and Toothless the signal to blast at Drago. The two Night Furies combined their firepower and fired blast after blast, making Drago stumble on his feet and got him away from Valka. Stoick quickly got to Valka to make sure she would be fine.

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