Fire and Dragons

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2 years later

"I think Raul is finally asleep." Zaria came back to Ryker who was playing another game of Maces and Talons against Viggo. "Good. He was throwing quite the tantrum tonight." Ryker greeted her with a kiss as she came to stand beside him at the table.

"I think I know what Raul needs. A sibling! Someone to play with and care for as the big brother." Viggo shared his thoughts about it. Ryker laughed about it as he moved the dragon on his side of the board. "Well, you might say that, but it is still up to us to decide when that will happen." He said as he saw Viggo take away one of his Hunters.

"I do agree with your brother, Ryker. But then again, you are right yourself. You do not have to rush to have a second or maybe third child if that is your wish. Just know that it would only strengthen the chance that one of your children can become chief, which means that the title will remain within the family too." Ragnar said as he poured himself a cup of red wine.

"Father, not you too." Ryker could not believe his father would join in on the discussion. Ragnar laughed at Ryker's feeling of defeat, but eased his oldest son's mind. "It's alright, Ryker. You just take your time together. Having children is not something that should be rushed." He smiled when he left the room.

"Ryker, sweetie, I would really like to spend some time with you." Zaria held her hands on his shoulders and kissed his cheek from behind. "Alright, then. Let me first finish this game." He held her hand and then turned back to the game.

After a few more moves, the game was decided and Viggo won once again. "Good game, big brother. I do not wish to tease you, but I did notice you were quite distracted this round." Viggo smirked and looked up from the game board. "Yeah, no kidding! Raul has thrown me off my game with his tantrum as did your comments about us to be having a second child." Ryker wasn't very amused by his brother's comment.

"Oh, well... Whatever. I'll leave you two be for now. Have fun on your night together." Viggo stood up and left. Ryker sighed out and sat back into his chair. "You okay, honey?" Zaria asked. "I will be, as long as I have you." Ryker pulled Zaria on his lap and cuddled with her.

After a short moment, Zaria looked up to her husband. "You know... Even though your brother and father have been joking about it, I was hoping we could start thinking about it again. Another child? I have been really wanting you for a good time now." Zaria traced her fingers to his cheek, pulling him into a deep kiss. "Okay. Hmm, let's wait a little bit until we know Raul is far asleep." Ryker smiled and kept kissing Zaria for the next ten to fifteen minutes.

They quietly sneaked into their bedroom and first checked on Raul to see if he was sleeping. "He's out cold." Ryker held Raul's arm up and wiggled it around a little, it being completely limp. Zaria came to Ryker's side and wrapped her arms around his shoulder. "I don't think he'll wake up anytime soon." Zaria used her seducing voice.

Ryker smiled and started kissing Zaria on her lips and in her neck. He lifted her up and brought her to the bed, laying her down kissing and humping her to get her aroused. Zaria moaned as soft as she could to let her son sleep, but the good things Ryker gave her made it very difficult to keep her voice down.

"You have no idea how wet I already am, baby." Zaria looked at him with the most flirty look she could. "Oh, really? Guess I have to check then." Ryker slipped his hand down her pants and rubbed her clit. "My Gods, you're right! Oh, this won't take long." Ryker's eyes sparkled with naughtiness as he was eager to have his wife for himself again.

Zaria grabbed Ryker his arm and took it away from herself, only to pounce Ryker onto his back and take her chance on giving him some pleasure. She undid him of his pants and threw them to the side, only to grab his gentleman and pump him.

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