Day of War

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The sun rose early in the morning while everyone was packing up to head to war. Many Hunter warriors said their goodbyes to their loved ones, not knowing if they will be coming home to them. Wives were left in tears, children were crying hard, fathers and mothers lowered their heads, praying their sons would come back home safely.

Walking out into the early morning sunlight, Viggo addressed to every warrior that was waiting to leave. "I thank each and every one of you brave men and women who will stand with us in the battle against Drago Bludvist that is ahead of us.

I know not everyone of you might come back home, but know that you will be remembered forever and you shall join your ancestors and the Gods in Valhalla. Odin shall seek out those who deserve to sit with him at the Table of Kings and send his Valkyries out to bring you to him.

If you die, you will die with the greatest honor one can possess. Your legacy will be heard of for generations to come, and the story of this battle shall be heard throughout time. Please, take you places on your ships, and let's sail to war!" He said. A wave of battle cries arose as each man and woman raised their weapons into the air, feeling the sense of unity.

As the ships were in for a long sail, Ryker came to Zaria's side. "She will be fine, darling. She's a stubborn one." He tried to make her feel better. "She really got that from you." Zaria said and made them both giggle about it as they stared at the horizon.

"I'm just scared that monster did unspeakable things to her, Ryker. What if he did the same to her as he did to me?" She asked him desperate. "If any man is even trying to touch her, they will meet my blade through their chest. No one is to hurt our little girl." He looked her in her eyes. Zaria stepped closer to snuggle up to him. He took her in his arms as he rested his head on hers, desperate to get their child out of that nasty situation.

Three days sailing had passed and the environment had changed drastically. The sunny seas had made room for ice, cold and dark days. Many men were trying to keep themselves warm by hugging several Stoker class dragons, even lying down on top of them.

Zaria stood by Viggo's side as they were looking over the icy seas. "It's getting familiar here..." Zaria said to Viggo. "How can anything look familiar to you? There's ice over here, there's ice over there... Oh, wait! Maybe that's because we are in the middle of an icy tundra!" Snotlout freaked out as the snot on his nose had frozen to little icicles.

"Once something bad has happened to you, you remember everything. Except the part where I blacked out..." Zaria answered the impatient and annoyed boy. "And will you keep your voice down? You'll give away our position." Viggo hissed annoyed. "I think we're too late with that, Viggo. Look!" Ryker came to their side and pointed to some Trapper ships.

"They've spotted us. Prepare for battle!" Viggo shouted over the deck, sending everyone in a rush. "Well, there goes our element of surprise..." Astrid mumbled in annoyance, climbing up on Stormfly's back and rush into the air with many Dragon Riders following her.

Zaria looked at the chaos that played in front of their eyes. "If these ships were here, then Drago shouldn't be too far away." She said as the men were getting themselves ready to fight as well. "These are probably scouting ships. Won't take long before Drago gets the message intruders are here and a fight is imminent." Viggo knew that there was no going back from this moment on.

They heard shouting coming from not too far away, when they sailed around the corner of a large ice mountain. Drago and his men were already waiting for them as they sent arrows, boulders and large chunks of ice towards the allied ships. "Look out!" Hiccup yelled out to the other Riders as one ice chunk was flung his way.

Fishlegs and his Gronckle fired a lava blast and shattered the ice to bits. "There's no going back now, Viggo..." Ryker said a little nervous as he saw what numbers Drago has. "I know. May the Gods be merciful on us." Viggo gathered every bit of his spirit as he shouted to the rest of the ships. "Fire!"

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