Getting Reacquainted

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After their reunion, Ryker led Zaria towards the Commander's Quarters and sat down with her on the side of the bed. "I suppose we have a lot to talk about, don't we?" Zaria asked a little unsure as she still couldn't believe it truly was Ryker all this time.

"I mean, we don't have to if we don't want to right now. It can always come later, as long as we do talk with each other." Ryker smiled as he looked into her eyes. "Your beauty hasn't changed one bit since you were taken away by that dragon." He came closer to press his lips on hers again. And again. And again, until they were attached to each other's lips and the heat began to rise between them.

Ryker moved down to kiss and nibble Zaria in the neck, making her a moaning mess. "Do you still remember what I like?" She breathed out as she became very excited about his intentions. "Never forgot about it. You have no idea how often I had been thinking back to the times I had you for myself." Ryker breathed out as he undid her of her shirt and continued to nibble on her breasts, adoring them and make sure he could bury his face between them.

"Please don't stop, honey." Zaria moaned. "I won't hold back on loving you right now, my love. If your heart still belongs to me, I will treat you the best I can." He promised her as he charged back at her lips. "My heart has never belonged to anyone else but you. In all these years, my heart has always belonged to you." She said through the kissing.

More and more clothes found themselves on the floor as the heat continued to build in the room until Ryker finally got on top of her and pushed himself inside. Their moans only became louder and louder as Ryker's thrusts only became stronger and quicker. "Yes, Ryker! Give me everything!" Zaria shouted out in pure ecstasy.

"Say my name again, my love." Ryker begged through the moaning. "Ryker, please, don't stop!" Zaria begged. "I will keep going until you want me to stop. I have missed you, my dearest Zaria! I never want to lose you again!" Ryker didn't know how much he had to love her, as he had forgotten how this felt like.

"Get off of my mother!" They heard Ryana yelling in the doorframe. "Well, this is embarrassing..." Ryker nonchalantly said as he froze when he saw Ryana already stood at the side of the bed, trying to punch him and beat him off of Zaria. "What the...?" Ryker tried to fend her off, but Ryana's punches came in fast, eventually forcing Ryker to retreat from his wife and roll onto his side of the bed. "Ryana! Enough now!" Zaria shouted out to her daughter in anger. "But he is hurting you!" Ryana defended herself.

"He's not hurting me! He's loving me as we used to love each other a long time ago. You are only thinking about what you feel and want, only believing what you see, but have you ever considered how much I have missed your father in the years we were apart? No! I love him to death, you are even named after your father! Get out! I don't want to see you anymore." Zaria turned her back to her daughter and didn't look at her as she made her way out of the room crying.

"Zaria, you didn't need to do that." Ryker tried to comfort his wife. "She was out of line towards you. Shouting at you? Trying to punch and beat you? I had hoped she would accept you as her father, but this? This is not how she should treat you! The man with who I gave life to her!" Zaria felt hurt beyond anything, seeing their child was so against the idea of Ryker being her father.

Ryker took Zaria in his arms and kissed her head. "She needs some time to get used to the idea. You have raised her to hate me, and now it turns out we have been fighting our lover all this time! This is a big deal for us too, darling. Don't forget that." He said as he covered them with the blankets a little more.

"It is, but I am really happy we are back together!" Zaria said rather upset. "And so am I! Darling, I have been looking for you for more than one and a half years after you were taken away from me. Everyone in the village thought I was out of my mind to go look for you for as long as I did! And even back in the village, things will be different. Everyone believed you were dead for all this time. Seeing you alive will sure get a few eyes following you." Ryker held her closer to him as he looked into her eyes.

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