The Next Chief (R)

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After having spent many months out at sea, a Terrible Terror landed at the top of the mast. "Hey, you see that tiny thing up there?" The Hunters saw the Terror lay down on the yardarm and it decided to take a nap in the warm afternoon sun.

"I see it has a message around its hind leg. How are we going to get this fellah down?" The Hunters looked up shielding their eyes from the bright sunlight. "We'll have to lure it down. Does anyone have some leftovers from last nights' dinner?" Someone else asked around. "Nope! Only some chicken bone scraps that are in the garbage!" They made fun of the question, but it gave the question bringer an idea.

He left off to the galley and dived into the garbage to look for the mentioned remains from the chicken carcass. He quickly found them with some chunks of meat still on the bone and quickly walked out.

"Hey, little guy! Come on! Got some chicken for you!" The man swung the chicken leg around, hoping it would draw the little dragon's attention and interest, but the little winged creature just stretched out, yawned and laid back down.

The other men laughed at the guy that tried to lure the dragon down. He felt that he was not taken seriously and got insecure about himself. "Don't laugh at him. It was a good idea and at least he came up with an idea, while you two are just standing there doing nothing at all to help." Ryker came to the man's aid.

The other two Hunters backed away real quick as Ryker made his way up to the man. "Thank you, sir. I tried." He said, but looked down in defeat. "You did and with that, you have shown more initiative than everyone else. But to resolve this problem at hand..." Ryker said and grabbed a throwing knife out of his pocket. Ryker pinched one eye shut and took aim, throwing the knife into the yardarm just where the Terror was napping.

The little dragon was startled badly and fell down, unable to recover itself and fall face first onto the wooden planks. It laid still with barely any sign of it breathing as Ryker walked up to the messenger and got the letter from its leg. It was addressed to him! He opened the letter and read it through.

Dear big brother,

It is with a heavy heart that I have to inform you that father is not doing well. He has fallen very ill and the healers think he does not have much time to live. I know you will still be looking for your beloved wife, but you are needed back home. Father wants to see you before he... you know the rest.

Please come back to Hunter Island and be here for father's possible last days.


Ryker lowered the letter and sighed out deep. This was not the message he was hoping for. After losing his beloved wife, losing his father would only push him further down the depression spiral. Yet, he knew he could not ignore his brother's call to go home if their father is so sick that he could pass soon.

"Sir, is everything alright?" One of the men came to Ryker's side. "No. My father is on his deathbed. I need to get home before he passes." Ryker told the man with a lot of pain. "I'm really sorry to hear that, sir. We will make haste to get back to Hunter Island, making sure you can have some last time with your father. Does this also mean that either you or Viggo is going to become chief?" He asked.

"Honestly, I don't even want to think about that. I have to stop my search for my wife at once and the news of my father being on his deathbed is tough. I don't even know what is wrong with him, only that he fell ill and the healers are unable to help him." Ryker slowly sounded depressed.

"I completely understand, sir. If I may say something to cheer you up? I'm pretty sure your son would be very happy to see you after you being away for eighteen months." The Hunter laid his hand on Ryker's shoulder to show him some support. "The only thing I want for my son is to have his mother back with him." Ryker beat the man's hand away and struggled with his emotions.

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