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Grabbing all the needed stuff for the even tonight, Ryana and her mother were ready to move out to get this mission going. "Alright, sweetheart. Are you ready?" Zaria asked her. "I am, mother. I'm excited, thrilled and nervous, but it's a good kind of nervous." She said and got back to her preparations.

"Ryana, I want you to know that this mission could get really dangerous. It is important you keep your mask on at any time when we arrive there. Are you sure those Riders are still willing to help?" Zaria wondered.

"I'm sure, because they love dragons as much as we do. They hate those poor dragons to be shot down, trapped and put in cages to be sold. They have the same mission as we have, and they will do anything in their power to stop these men from doing what they're doing." Ryana told her mother.

"You sound so grown up already. I'm so proud of you. It only felt like yesterday I first held you in my arms after you were born. Time flies by so fast." Zaria wanted to take her daughter into her arms and hug her, but Ryana fiercely resisted to it. "We should go! The Riders will be waiting, and those dragons do not have much time left before they are to face a horrible future." She said and quickly moved on, making her mother giggle about it.

As they were on their way and the island came into sight, Ryana and Zaria were talking about the approach to this mission. "Okay, but I have to go now. I will join up with the Riders for their side of tonight." She said.

"Wait, what? What for? You just agreed with our approach to this!" Zaria said a little agitated. "I know, but we will make sure to create a diversion and distraction. That way, all attention will be taken off of you and you can free those dragons mainly unseen. Trust me." Ryana said and banked right, flying off to Thor knows where. "Just be careful!" Zaria yelled after her, focusing herself on her part of the mission.

As Ryana and Skykarver made their way to the rendezvous place, she knew the rendezvous place would be easily accessible from a tunnel underwater. "Okay, girl. Time for you to show what an amazing Tidal class dragon you are." Ryana said to her dragon and took a deep breath as Skykarver dived into the cold water snout first.

After a short and swift swim, Ryana and Skykarver emerged out of the pool of water that was very well hidden from anyone. "Great job, girl! Now, let's find the others." Ryana petted the Windwalker on the shoulder as they continued their side of this mission.

As discussed with Ryana, the Riders were already hiding somewhere in the caves and were waiting for her to arrive. "Hey, do you hear that?" Snotlout asked the group a little nervous. Everyone's ears were peaked to the highest alert when a dragon showed up out of the shadows.

"Hey, guys." Ryana said as quiet as possible and took off her mask as she joined up with them. "Nice disguise!" Astrid complimented. "Thanks. This mask was given to me by someone dear to me. So, what's the plan from here on?" Ryana asked.

"We've scouted the caves a little further down and found the larger dragons caged up there. We will split up, so we can free more dragons more quickly. Ruff, Tuff, Fishlegs, you guys get these dragons down here out. Make sure you stay out of sight, and don't make any loud noises while you're working on it!" Hiccup warned the twins for their shenanigans.

"Ryana, Astrid, Heather, you guys will make sure no Hunter will find out anything about what we're doing here today. If any Hunter is about to bust one of us, take care of them. If you have the chance, try to free a few dragons yourselves." Hiccup said and the girls grinned to one another.

"Snotlout, you're with me. We're going to try to free the dragons out in the open." Hiccup told the tough looking guy, who suddenly turned very nervous. "What?! Are you even serious about this?" He almost said too loud. "Shh! Yes, Snotlout, I mean that." Hiccup shushed him again.

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