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After the somewhat awkward interaction, Jays stomach grumbled, loudly. The boy's cheeks turned red as he chuckled.

"I made frozen pizza..." Hyeri offered. "It's not much, we actually need to restock on food, and I've heard that we're allowed to go shopping if it's urgent, so maybe we can go together tonight."

"That sounds good, I'm not that hungry anyways so pizzas good." Jay obviously lied.

Hyeri raised her eyebrow in confusion but didn't press for any more information. The two left the room and entered the kitchen.

"Juice? Water?" Hyeri offered

"Water's fine." Jay replied

They sat down with their food and drinks, making themselves comfortable on the kitchen top.

"Here, lets discuss some house rules." Hyeri started, bringing out a book and a pen.

They talked about normal rules, taking turns to do the dishes, laundry day is Wednesday, Vacuuming the house on Saturdays and knocking three times before entering any room.

"The Wi-Fi passwords on the fridge, I have a spare charger for you in that draw over there and here's the most important rule of them all. You are not to move that pink bear that's sitting on that shelf, ever."

Jay stopped chewing, attempting to swallow the giggle that was making its way out.

"What's with the bear? Is it from your boyfrienddddd?" He teased.

Hyeri huffed in annoyance

"As much as I'd love to, I don't have a boyfriend. I bought that bear myself, I just really like it." she answered.

Huh? No Boyfriend? In Jays eyes, a pretty and kind girl like her was bound to be taken. It was shocking, to say the least, that she didn't have a significant other.

"Done? You can do the dishes tonight, since it's your first time here. You should get used to living here after all." Hyeri smiled mischievously.

"Huh? wait-"

"When you're done, meet me at the door, I'll get the grocery bags and stuff." Hyeri left, not bothering to hear Jay's complains.

"She's kinda weird" Jay thought, smiling to himself.


"What is that? Put it back right now." Jay demanded

"What are you gonna do about it? My house, my rules." Hyeri responded.

Jay could NOT believe that she pulled this card on him

"You're gonna have to oblige to my commands. You WILL enjoy mint chocolate ice-cream by the time I'm done with you." Hyeri added, carefully placing the tub of ice cream in the trolley.

Jay sighed and kept walking towards the cashier.

"You're crazy. I Think I'll sleep in the park tonigh-"

"Mint Chocolate isn't that bad. You'll be fine to co-exist in the same house as it." Hyeri stated, unloading the contents of the trolley.

To be honest, she was a little worried. Usually, she would only shop for one, the amount would always total to around $100, give or take a few. She, however, now had another mouth to feed, and this mouth seemed to have an extreme appetite. Hyeri wasn't dumb, she knew the pizza from earlier didn't come close to fulfilling Jays stomach, but this? This was Crazy. The trolley was overflowing at this point.

Jay rubbed his nape in embarrassment after assessing Hyeri's face. He knew he had contributed to more than half of the food; he felt a little sorry that for some reason. At the same time, Hyeri didn't think that she was going to pay for all the food, right?

"The total comes to $343" the cashier stated boredly through her mask

Hyeri tried not to look too shameful, she did not have enough to pay. Her mind started silently calculating what to take out when-

"Why are you still standing there? I'll load everything in the car." Jay startled the concentrating girl.

"Wait, what?"

Jay chuckled. "I got you, it's another way of saying Thank you."

What kind of person carries around Hella money like that? He must be rich or something...

Her thoughts were interrupted once again."

"Hyeriiiii? Girl what are you doing here?"

Hyeri looked to her side and saw Yunjin shopping alone. She felt Jay tense beside her.

"Pass me your car keys, I'll be waiting for you."


"Take your time too." Said Jay, eyeing the approaching girl. "Who knows when you'll get to see her again." he added before disappearing.

"Who was that? He looked familliar..." Yunjin said as she hugged Hyeri tightly.

Well, this was awkward. How do you tell your protective best friend that you were housing a stranger that you've known for barely an hour?

"That's my cousin..."

"You don't have any cousins."


"Funny story actually, he needed a place to stay, and I coincidentally had a place for him to stay." Hyeri mumbled.

Yunjin's eyes widened.

"Huh? I knew you were reckless but huh? You do know that this lock down will last a month, right?" She hit Hyeri

"Ow! He's nice, I swear. Totally trustworthy. He paid for all my groceries."

A pause.


"WAIT! callmymumandi'lltellyourmumthatitwasyouwhobrokehervaselastyearandnotyourcat." Hyeri spit out frantically

Yunjin scoffed. "Are you blackmailing me right now? Our situations are TOTALLY different. Do you even-"

Hyeri stopped her. "I'm 21, I can make decisions for myself."

The two looked at eachother.

"Fine! But I want you to call me every day just in case."


"Video call."


"And you have to pay for my snacks for a month after all this."

"Fine." Hyeri huffed.

"I'll keep this a secret then." Yunjin finally agreed.

"Thanks girl, I promise I'll be fine. I gotta go now, the ice-creams probably melting." Hyeri said

"At least tell me his name." Yunjin asked as Hyeri walked away.

"It's Jay." Hyeri yelled from the exit of the supermarket.

Yunjin stood there, dumbfounded as she watched her best friend get into the car and reverse out of the parking Lott.

Hyeri honked the car, bidding goodbye to her best friend, who was clearly looking at Jay, who was hiding his face with his hoodie.

"It must be a coincidence; I'll have to properly make sure before I tell Hyeri..." Yunjin thought as she continued to shop.

These were strange times.

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