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I have your bear.
I'm gonna send you a link to a train ticket to Seoul and some hotel details
It's all paid for
Make sure you come

The absolute NERVE of this boy.

I mean, first, he lies to the girl. He tried to downplay the situation. Then he kidnaps her bear???

Jay was not going to make it out alive once Hyeri was over with him

I'm glad to hear you'll be here soon. Make sure you pack extra warm clothes.

Hyeri stared at the text message as she sat on her small suitcase at the train station. Ahead of her was a four hour train ride to the city.

The girl looked to her left and was met with a face full of blonde hair englulfing her in a hug.

"How long are you going for?" Yunjin asked, voice slightly muffled by her mask

"I'm not sure yet, maybe a week or two? I wanna catch up with my mum too, she's taking a week off for me." Hyeri smiled at the thought of her mum

"And what about he who must not be named?" Yunjin asked, lightly bringing up the topic.

"That rat stole my bear. I'm gonna kill him."

Yunjin pulled away from Hyeri's embrace and looked her in the eye.

"Did you 'break up' with him because he's an idol? Or because he didn't tell the truth."

Hyeri looked at her best friend.

"When did you become a relationship guru?" She joked. "Actually, I don't even know where we stand right now. Did we break up?" The girl revealed her inner thoughts.

"Make sure you think this through. If you really think he's the one, you can always push through anything to be together." When did Yunjin become such a wise old woman?

"What if he's not willing to do the same?"

"Baby, I don't think he spent so much money on you just so that he could give your bear back." Yunjin laughed.

"What if we end up falling apart?"

"You won't know if you don't try."

"What about the distance between us?"

"Move to Seoul. You'll be closer to your mum and you can go to a better university with your grades."

Hyeri fumbled with her fingers and then looked up at her best friend.

"What about you?" She said, blinking tears out of her eyes.

"What about me? I'll still be your best friend." Yunjin pat Hyeri on the back. "You can't get rid of me so easily, you know?"

Hyeri hugged Yunjin tight as the announcement for her train was called out.

"Hey, I got a gift for you." Yunjin grabbed Hyeri's hand and placed plastic in it.

"What's this"

"Open it when you're on the train. Hey, if you end up moving to Seoul, can I come live with you? My mum keeps blaming me for all the broken vases in the house." Yunjin requested, accompanying Hyeri to the entrance of the train

Hyeri blinked stupidly. "But you are the one who broke all the vases."

Yunjin sighed deeply and pinched the bridge of her nose. "She doesn't have to know that."

Hyeri was attempting to hold in her giggles. "But she does."

Yunjin pushed the girl into the train
"Ugh, just go. Make good choices out there. The real world is scary." Yunjin said before waving goodbye.

Hyeri waved back, smiling ever so brightly. All she could think about was how Yunjin was incredible.

The girl walked to her seat, placing her baggage in the allocated place above her head

She opened her palm which contained Yunjins gift and chuckled to herself at the sight of hand sanitiser, with the price sticker still on it.

"I'm glad our friendship is worth $4.43" the girl playfully scoffed. Her mood had instantly been lifted.

She put in her earphones and opened up Spotify. "What if I..." She switched the app to YouTube and searched up Enhypen

What? She might as well educate herself on Jay.

Four hours later, the girls head was filled with countless lyrics, addictive dance moves and, weridly enough, a fanchant.

Hyeri listened to Outro: cross the line and was reminded of that day. That day when Jay and Hyeri were cleaning the kitchen while listening to Jays playlist and this song came on.

"It makes me feel magestical or something" Hyeri had relayed her thoughts to Jay.

If all goes well on this trip, maybe Hyeri would be able to look forward to more days like that. More of cleaning kitchens with Jay. More of sharing meals, watching movies and sneaking glances at eachother.

More of being on love.


"Someone looks fancy today." Jungwon commented as Jay entered the practice room.

"I bet he's gonna meet his girlfriend, that's why." Ni-ki commented as he drank water.

Jay stood silent. Ni-ki spat his water everywhere.

"NO WAY! Hyeri's coming? And she didn't tell me?" He acted as if he were dying.

This attracted the attention of the others. "Are you for real? Is she actually coming?" Jake asked, eyes wide open

"Maybe I can meet her too. Wait! I can show her around Seoul" sunoo commented.

Previously, the boys had lacked energy after practicing for hours and hours. They thought nothing of it when Jay left the room half an hour earlier to shower.

Now, they were interested in what was going on in the boys love life, full of energy

"No wonder Jay actually smells good today, he wants to impress his girlfriend." Sunghoon teased, earning a playfully shove from Jay.

"Stop it guysss." The boys ears turned red.
"I think she might actually hate me."

Heeseung inspected Jay. "Well then you better make everything right again."

"Yeah." Jake chimed in. "When are you going to meet?"

Jay thought. "Her train arrives in an hour, but I was thinking of meeting her later tonight for dinner."

The boys all blinked.

"I think he's actually stupid." Ni-ki laughed.

"I second that." Sunoo agreed.

"Jay..." Jungwon started. "You can't just force Hyeri to come here and then make her find her way around Seoul alone."

"You still have time." Jake clapped his hands, making everyone get up. "Jay, you need to go to the train station. Get her flowers too."

"But Hyeri doesn't like flowers."

"Chocolates. A gift card. New bedsheets. I don't care, just get her something nice and go meet her." Jake instructed.

The adrenaline pumped through his veins. Jay was now hyped up, and nothing was gonna stop him from winning Hyeri back.

He ran out the door, smacking his hand in the door frame in the process. Ow

The others watched him go.

"No way he's the first one out of us to get a girlfriend." Sunghoon laughed to himself.

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