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Hyeri found herself waking up earlier and earlier each day. Two days had passed by in a flash. Four days since Hyeri and Jay and Hyeri had been a couple. Five since they had confessed.

Now, the duo only had a remaining 48 hours to share.

"-lockdown has clearly had a positive impact in bringing down case numbers. The prime minister reports that cases have reduced by 43% over the past month and provides his praises and thanks to all citizens. Althought two days of lockdown remain, citizens are urged to stay indoors and limit unnecessary travel. Masks are mandatory and-" the newsman reported on the TV.

"Hyeriiiiii. Please turn that off. It's so depressing." Jay chimed as he exited the bathroom, making a Beeline for the beanbag next to Hyeri.

"How come you're up so early? It's 5am..." Jay asked, grabbing a water bottle on the way.

Thats a good question. Why was Hyeri awake? At the break of dawn? When she could be enjoying her bed and dreaming sweet dreams?

"I don't know." She chose to answer. "I couldn't sleep so..."

Jay chuckled and shook his head.

"I was gonna workout if you wanted to join. We said we'd be active together but that promise didn't last long..." Jay smirked.

Hyeri huffed in annoyance. "Well that's because you chose to do super hard exercises. And for what?"

Jay chuckled at the latters expense. He started stretching his body, giving Hyeri a premium quality view of...well...everything.

After about 10 minutes, Hyeri got bored.

"Jay, I'm bored." Hyeri groaned from her seat.

"I know angel, just give me an hour more." Jay managed to get out in-between gasps for air.

Maybe 10 minutes passed after that? And then Hyeri spoke up again.

"How much longer?" Hyeri asked meekly.

"Not long angel." Jay chuckled

5 minutes later


Jay stopped everything he was doing and turned to Hyeri.

"What do you need?" He calmly asked through a smile.

"Hugs? Motivation? A life?" Hyeri suggested.

The boy attractively laughed and walked over to the girl sitting on the beanbag.

"Tell me to stop and I'll stop." He whispered.

"Stop what?"

"Stop everything. If you want hugs, I'll give it to you right now." He said, placing himself on his respective seat.

Hyeri thought for a while and looked at Jay.

"Yeah. Just for now, let's cuddle." Hyeri decided.

Jay smiled even wider, if that's possible, and pulled Hyeri into his lap. They stayed like that for a while, lulling off to sleep and then waking up, only to press a kiss into the others temple and then sleeping again.

After what seemed like hours, Hyeri finally woke up properly. She sighted the clock on the wall next to her shelf, smiled at the sight of her pink bear and then yelped at the time.

"God Jay, it's been what? Four hours and forty-three minutes since we fell asleep. We have to get up! Now!" The girl scolded.

Jay groggily gained conscious and pulled Hyeri back into his embrace. "Five more minutes?"

Hyeri slapped his hand away and scoured. "No! We haven't even eaten yet. Do you wanna starve?"

"I don't need food when I can consume your love all day." Jay smirked

A pause.

"Don't pull that's stupid cheesy shit on me, it won't work." Hyeri turned away.

She wouldn't let Jay see how his stupid and un-romantic words truly had an effect on the girl. Over her dead body.

"Don't be mad angel, it was your idea to cuddle after all." Jay laughed as he complied to Hyeri's wishes

The two decided on brunch - pizza toast.

"Nahhh, this is really good." Jay moaned with a stuffed mouth.

"I know right? Ultimate comfort meal." Hyeri replied, sipping a mouthful of coffee.

They ate in silence, enjoying eachothers company.

Hyeri told Jay about her latest conversation with Ni-ki, and how the boy was eager to create a group chat with everyone. Everyone, excluding Jay.

"That boy is dangerous, I swear. I love him, but he's trouble." Jay laughed. "He's from Japan, did you know? Hasn't seen his parents in years since he moved here." Jay informed.

"That's crazy. I'm separated from my mum, but atleast I know she's in the same country. A long train ride away at times. But Japan?" Hyeri thought aloud

"Yeah. The kid could use all the love and support he can get." Jay sighed. "I miss him. And everyone else."

Hyeri displayed a bittersweet smile. "One more day, Jay. One more day."

Jay paused, reaslising how his words may have sounded

"Wait, I wasn't saying that I'm eager to leave or anything. I just miss-"

"Bro? It's ok, you don't have to explain yourself. I know what you mean" Hyeri replied through a half laugh

Jay looked at her incredulously.

"Seriously. I'll visit you in Seoul one day and smother that kid with all the love I possess." Hyeri added, attempting to lighten the mood.

This clearly worked, Jay playfully scoffed into his meal. "Oh really? And what about me?"

Hyeri internally celebrated her victory in making Jay 'jealous'. "What about you?" She asked, taking her finished plate to the sink.

Jay rolled his eyes. "This girl-" he found himself begging Hyeri.

"Wanna say that again?"

"What about you-"

Hyeri was attacked by tickles.

"SHIT! BRO NO- WHAT THE FU-" The girl gasped through her fits of heavy laughter.

"Wanna reconsider your words?" Jay asked through his own smile. Seeing his girlfriend laughing in pure bliss instantly lit up his while mood, uplifting his day. Heck, maybe she made his whole year better.

"Ok...wait...truce. if you stop, I'll give you a wish." Hyeri pried his hands off her.

"But Hyeriii, I already have a wish back from when we made Dalgona coffee." Jay reminded the girl.

Hyeri pouted.

Ain't no way. Jay burst out into a heavy fit of laughter.

"WAS THAT AEGYO? AIN'T NO WAYYY" Jay was practically rolling on the floor.

Hyeri looked at him in horror, embarrassed that her attack didn't work.

"STOP LAUGHING! I DON'T KNOW WHY I DID THAT EITHER!" Hyeri complained, wailing in pain

Jay finally composed himself and got up.

"Ok. I'll stop. If you do it again."

"Come on, just once more."

"I won't ask you to do it ever again."

Hyeri fled.

.·°¯°·.¸.->Autumn Leaves<-.¸.·°¯°·.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant