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Honestly, Hyeri had finished her exam an hour ago. The girl had been laying on her bed, cheeks red and heart pumping a little too fast at the certain thought of a certain someone who was certainly waiting for Hyeri to go outside

"I mean, why did he have to do that?" The girl whisper shouted at no one in particular, holding her face lightly. She turned to another corner of her room and spoke to another 'person'.

"So suddenly? What if he messed up my exam? Because I could only think about his kiss for like half the exam." Luckily, the online test had given Hyeri her results almost immidietly, along with her rank in her class.

100%, an A plus, at the top of the class. Hyeri wasn't one to boast, but she was exceptionally proud of her achievement this time round.

"What if I'm overthinking it? Friends always do stuff like that." She thought back to how Yunjin had squeezed the breath out of Hyeri's lungs, kissing her on the cheek whenever Hyeri bought suprise coffee's for her friend.

"But I don't knowwww" she moaned, hugging a pillow and kicking her feet in the air, not hearing the three knocks on her door.

"What are you doing?" Jay asked, puzzled.

Hyeri shot up, adjusting herself to appear as a normal functioning human.

"Hey! Three knocks, remember?" She scolded the boy.

"I did knock, then I came in and saw whatever that was." Jay replied, clearly not focusing on the conversation.

"This is my first time in your room, you know?" He said, snooping around.

Hyeri didn't stop him. She was thinking of a way to bring up earliers situation.

"It's kinda ugly." He joked, flipping into the space beside Hyeri on the bed.

"You rat-"

"Want me to shut you up with another kiss?" Jay asked, receiving the exact reaction He had been aiming for.

Hyeri, now flustered, was looking everywhere but at Jays face.

"You idiot, why would you say that?"

Jay chuckled before speaking up. "Seriously, I do apologise. I usually do that kinda stuff with my friends as a joke, it kinda just happened back there, you know?" He explained. "I didn't realise how you may have perceived it until I saw your reaction." The explanation rolled off his tongue perfectly.

"Just please don't let it happen again. Especially before something so important? What if I failed my exam because of you?" Hyeri ranted, clearly mad.

"I guess I have that kind of effect on the ladies." Jay struck a pose, teasing Hyeri.

"But seriously, you got your results, right?" Jay asked, clearly intrigued.

"Yeah." Hyeri sighed, looking away.

Jay felt the mood drop, and guessed that Hyeri didn't get the mark she wanted.

"Hey...it's ok. Under these circumstances, it's amazing to know that you even completed an exam during lockdown." Jay praised the girl, trying to lift her spirits, only to be met with an annoyed face.

"What are you talking about? I got 100% number one, again." Hyeri didn't even try to be humble.

Hays face lit up in an instance. He tackled Hyeri into a hug, eventually casuing the duo to fall onto the floor. But that didn't stop their emotions from being thrown off track.

"What the hell? That's sososo good? You'reamazingandIwishtobelikeyou" Jay said, thrilled at the results.

"I seriously thought I was gonna have to navigate myself around a depressed Hyeri for the next few days." Jay clearly looked relieved as Hyeri laughed.

"So to celebrate, I was thinking we could do like a formal type of dinner tomorrow? Lets properly dress up and set the mood. I'll make the food and you can do dessert." Hyeri suggested, clearly excited.

"YES! let's go shopping tonight. We can get candles, decorations, wine-"

"No wine, don't wanna take care of you when you're drunk." Hyeri cut in

"Hey! I would definately be the one taking care of you. But ok, no wine." Jay said.

Nothing could curve the excitement that the duo felt for tomorrow. Something thrilling was about to happen. They would eat good food, have a fun time together and most importantly, maybe be able to forget about what was happening in the world around them for the first time in a while.

Hyeri grabbed Jay and pulled him out of her room, incoherently mumbling something along the lines of "I'm hungry" and "eat".

Jay smirked as he handed Hyeri a sandwich.

"Maybe if you didn't say hooled up in your room for an hour and 43 minutes..." He continued.

"Now why did you time how long I was in there for?" Hyeri asked, putting down her food.

"I was nervous. I know I did something to make you feel weird and I wanted to correct my behaviour, but you just didn't come out."

"So you came in after exactly an hour  and 43? Hyeri asked, picking her food up again after taking all the tomatoes out.

"43 just felt right." Jay said, looking exhasparated at the sight of the left over tomatoes.

"You're kinda weird." Hyeri said

"No! You are! Who doesn't like tomatoes? And beside, I was right. Wasn't I? We're on good terms again, so 43 was good." Jay said, over-explaining himself in the process.


The duo stood in the kitchen, dividing up the chores.

"You know, it seems like we're always in here. Doing chores." Hyeri said boredly.

"You have the worst taste in music, by the way." She said as a random song off Jays playlist ended.

"Whatever, as if you could do any better." Jay fought back, staring to wash the dishes.

Suddenly, a song came up. Actually, could you even call it a song?

"With our last step, we danced across this line, into a new world."

Hyeri felt the need to stop everything she was doing and just listen. Jay noticed the lack of movement from his room mate and turned to look at her.

Hyeri slowly turned her face to Jay, mouth wide open, eyes wide in euphoria.

"What on earth is this? Jay, this is making me feel magestical or some shit." Hyeri rambled.

The song ended, Jay watched Hyeri's reaction the entire time as Hyeri enjoyed whatever she was listening to.

"No seriously, tell me who sang that. Damn, was that even a song? Ugh it was so good." She ranted and ranted.

The ghost of a smile appeared on Jays face, he was clearly pleased.

"I'll tell you one day." He said, focusing back on the task at hand.

Was it Hyeri's imagination? Or did Jays already happy mood seem to have improved even more.

She chose to ignore his contentment, splashing his face with water from the sink.

"Now why are you gatekeeping music from me?"

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