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"Come on Hyeri, we've been waiting for this." Jay said, watching the girl push her food around on her plate.

"I'm sorry, it's just...I'm not in the best mood right now." Hyeri replied, finally meeting Jay's eyes.

"What did she say to you anyways? Mum mentioned that she knows you, how?"

Jay pushed air out of his mouth, clearly put under pressure. How would he answer her question?

"I know your mum through work, she just laid down some ground rules regarding how I act with you." Jay replied. "Nothing weird." Jay reassured.

Hyeri huffed, finally bringing food to her mouth. "Not bad, maid Jay. You're skills are constantly improving, I might promote you soon." Hyeri joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Seeing that it didn't work, Hyeri decided to come clean

"I fought with her. Said some things I didn't mean to say. I think I really hurt her." She finally revealed.

They sat in silence for a bit.

"What did she say?" Jay questioned, glad he was finally getting somewhere with Hyeri.

"She said we can talk tomorrow when we're both not mad. I understand why she did that, but now I'll have to feel guilty for the whole night. And honestly, she probably won't even be free to talk tomorrow so..."

They sat in a more comfortable silence now.

"Send her a message. I kind of overheard your conversation earlier. Not on purpose though. I'm sure she'll feel a little at ease knowing that you did try to reach out." Jay suggested, pouring water into a cup for Hyeri.

Hyeri took the cup and thought. "I wish I just told her everything from the beginning. It's not even a big deal, I just overreacted, and this is where it lead me." Hyeri took a sip of water.

Hyeri wasn't sure if it was the soft bright light above the table, the action of Jay giving Hyeri water or the way Jay was looking at her so softly, but the water works slowly started to open.

One tear. Then another. Then a third.

Regret was all she felt.

Jay noticed how Hyeri's face had been looking down for a little too long now, before he heard the soft sobs being emmited from the poor girl.

Slowly, he got up from his seat and knelt down on one knee next to Hyeri, who at this point, had covered her entire face with her hands.

A comforting hand rested on Hyeri's back, slowly running up and down.

"Angel, it's ok." He whispered, pulling her close.

"My intentions were pure, but she ended up getting hurt." Hyeri sobbed into Jays shoulder.

Jay could easily tell how much Hyeri cared for her mum. Maybe he would call his parents later tonight. They might be worried about where he is.

Jay let Hyeri use his shoulder for as long as she needed to, just as she had comforted him on his first day at the apartment.

When she finally pulled away, Jay smiled so brightly, it shocked Hyeri. Was...her heart beating a little faster?

"How about you go message her while I clear everything up here. When you come back, we can finally celebrate your achievement." Jay suggested, rubbing comforting circles on Hyeri's back.

Hyeri nodded, wiping her face with her hands. Jay noticed this action and swatted her hands away.

"Use this..." He ended up wiping her tears with a napkin himself.

Hyeri looked at his face so intensely that Jay found himself blushing.

They actually just ended up staring at eachother for a little while, admiring eachothers beauty.

Hyeri admired the way Jays eyes would crinkle when he smiled at her softly, revealing small smile lines.

Jay admired the way Hyeri would stare into his eyes, seemingly seeing him for who he is as a person, not knowing the truth.

The truth is something that would have to be discussed soon.

Jay helped Hyeri to her feet, giving her a small hug before gesturing to her phone.

"You got this." He said, before leaving her alone.

When she returned around half an hour later, Hyeri looked like a different person. Colour had finally returned to her face, her hair had been neatened and she seemed to be...lighter?

Jay greeted her with a smile. "Welcome back, Queen." He joked, handing Hyeri a bowl with ice-cream, hundreds and thousands and honey?

"Ooooooh, what's this?" Hyeri questioned, sitting down on a beanbag.

"Just a little something." Jay boasted, knowing the ice-cream sundae would taste good.

The two sat down. No phone were in sight, the TV was off and the speakers weren't playing music. It was just Jay and Hyeri, enjoying eachothers company.

That night, they laughed about embarassing stories, remenisced about similar past memories and talked about their goals and dreams for the future.

"To Hyeri!" Jay clinked his empty bowl with the girl, obviously excited. "Top of her class, as expected." 

Hyeri noticed his burst of energy and laughed. She had never felt this celebrated before, no one had gone extra lengths to make her feel proud of herself. She wasn't complaining, it was just a nice feeling.

Suddenly, Jay picked up his phone and turned on the speaker.

"Let's dance." He said before pulling up the hesitant girl.

Slow music drifted through the speaker, making Hyeri feel comfortable and soft inside.

Jay grabbed the girl and placed one hand on her hips, holding the other hand in the air.

They swayed to the soft beats of music hand in hand. As the night progressed, the duo shifted closer and closer, until their entire bodies were pressed up against eachother.

"This feels nice" Hyeri hummed, closing her eyes. She was ready to be whisked away to wherever Jay would take her. In the confinement of her home, ofcourse.

"Jay? It's 12.43. maybe we should wind down now." Hyeri suggested, glancing at the clock through sleepy eyes.

Jay hummed I'm agreement, but didn't pull away.

Hyeri stretched out a hand and turned off the speaker. She walked over to a beanbag and sat down. Jay mirrored her actions, sitting in the beanbag next to her.

Unspoken words drifted through the air.

Jay felt a werid loss at the lack of warmth that Hyeri had been providing, so he tried to move closer to the girl.

Hyeri mentally scolded herself for knowing that her heart was beating at the expense of Jay. She shouldn't be falling for someone that would be leaving her in around a week, almost two.

Who knew when they would see eachother again?

For now, the duo decided to accept that fact that they were feeling sweet things for eachother.

"Maybe it's a small crush." Jay thought as he snuggled into Hyeri's side, closing his eyes.

"I'm sure it'll go away soon." Hyeri assured herself as Jay wrapped his arms around her side.

Sleeping on two separate beanbags didn't seem to be as uncomfortable as Hyeri thought it would be. Not when Jay was at her side, breathing softly into her shoulder.

Slowly, Hyeri allowed herself to drift into unconsciousness.

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