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Another day of doing absolutely nothing. Hyeri was tempted to tune in on the news, but realistically, it would just leave her down and depressed for the rest of the day.

Usually, Hyeri would be fine with being down and depressed for a day, but she had Jay living with her, and she wasn't ready to be vulnerable with the dude just yet.

Speaking of Jay, the boy just walked out of his room, covering his yawning face.

Fluffy hair falling onto his forehead, cheeks tinted a rosy pink due to the warmth that the heater provided, an oversized hoodie that looked Hella comfortable, Why did he look kind of cute?

"Morning." He grumbled as he made his way to the bathroom.

True to his words, Jay had taken care of lunch and dinner yesterday, despite being obviously uncomfortable after 21 questions. So ofcourse, Hyeri had to do her bit and make breakfast for Jay and herself.

Hyeri made her way to the kitchen, ready to prepare french toast when she was interrupted.

"Don't worry, I'll do it today." Jay whisperer, clearly still sleepy, starling the girl.


"It's my way of apologising for yesterday. I shouldn't have ignored you for the whole day so I do apologise. Let me make it up to you."

Hyeri blushed internally at the boys cuteness, fighting back urges to pinch his cheeks and coo at him like a grandma would.

"It's not that big of a deal my guy, I appreciate the apology though."

"Let's do it together then. What are you making?" Jay suggested, rolling up his sleeve.

"French toast, but I don't know how to make it."

The duo pulled up a recipe online, being sure to follow it step by step. The two detail orientated people were sure to measure everything perfectly, use the exact same ingredients as the person in the video did and made sure to time how long they cooked the toast perfectly.

So tell my why they sat there, faces scrunched up in pain, chewing painfully at the tasteless french toast?

"I don't understand, I thought we did good." Hyeri mumbled, reaching for cereal instead.

"It's ok, count this as a learning experience. We can do better in the future." Jay smiled, reaching for the milk.

Why was he so kind hearted.

"You looked tired this morning, you know? Didn't sleep well?" Hyeri asked, munching on weetbix.

"Yeah, I was just thinking. About yesterday, I do apologise for leaving so abruptly. I promise I'll tell you the circumstances I was under which lead me here one day, but for now, I'd like to keep that a secret. Is that ok?" Jay questioned, looking Hyeri in the eye

His sincere words lead Hyeri to trust him, so she smiled.

"Ofcourse, take your time. Anything else you'd like to say?"

Jay rubbed his hands nervously on his pants. "That friend of yours, Yunjin. Is it ok if I like, never interact with her? It's a weird situation, but for now, it's in the best interest of my safety to stay away."

Hyeri wasn't going to lie. It sounded very strange. She rememberd the way Jay escaped to the car at the supermarket to avoid Yunjin, and the way he mentioned her as a 'friend'.

For now, she'd let it go. But she wasn't going to forget about it anytime soon.

"That ok, but I hope you'll tell me one day."

Speak of the devil. Hyeri's phone rang, she sighted her best friends contact.

"She's calling, right now, wanna take your food to your room?" Hyeri suggested.

"You're the best." Jay smiled, gathering his things

"Go on, scurry back to your cave like a bug or something." Hyeri teased lightly, earning a scoff from the latter.

She accepted the call and was met by a ranting Yunjin. This was gonna take a while.

"...and I don't even understand why my mum's so mad, you know? I'm sorry but schools been closed because of corona, but my professor hasn't given me any work online so why would I willingly study? And I'm so mad as well, you know Enhypen? Girl they're literally my sister's favourite, I always take her to the meeting things or whatever, anyways, one of the guys is like out of action so she's been weeping and annoying me like all week. Girl what do you want me to do?" Yunjin huffed, pausing to take a break.

"Anyways, what's new with you? Girl where's your roommate?" Yunjin finally asked a bemused Hyeri

"No way! You only talked for 10 minutes. I don't wanna say anything, I feel like I would be saying too much and taking up all your time." Hyeri feigned innocence

"Haha, very funny." Yunjin spat

"Yeah, he's actually still asleep. Men..." Hyeri rolled her eyes, gesturing at the room behind her.

"It's only like 8.43, not everyone's as perfect as you are Hyeri." Yunjin teased.

"But be for real, is he hot? Did you offer him your place because you were sad and lonely and needed some-"

"Stop! stopstopstopstop." Hyeri panicked, looking back at the door, trying to find any signs that Jay heard anything.

The poor girls heart dropped as she walked over to the guest room door and leaned in, pressing her ear against the door, eager to find out if Jay heard anything at all.

Oh no, was he laughing. No, he was definately trying to hold in his laughter. It's was subtle, Yunjin couldn't hear it, but Hyeri could.

"I- I gotta go I-" Hyeri hung up, covering her red face with her hands.

She wasn't going to tell Jay that the call was over, just because she couldn't face him just yet, so Hyeri decided to bring out her headphones and play some music as she cleaned the kitchen up.

'Bye' by Jaden Smith started playing, as the girl picked up a soapy sponge, scrubbing the pans and plates squeaky clean.

The girl closed her eyes and enjoyed the pleasing sounds drifting in through her headphones and into her ears when she felt arms wrap around her shoulders from behind.

"This feels nice." Thought Hyeri, who sighed contently

Wait. Who-

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" The flustered girl yelled, shaking Jay off her shoulders, taking her headphones off

"What are you listening to?" Jay asked, stealing the headphones. "Nice." He moved his body to the music.

Hyeri was frozen, Jay opened his eyes and returned the device, placing it around her neck.

"I was just, you know... I wanted to make sure you weren't feeling sad, or lonely. Incase you needed-"

Hyeri didn't think her actions through. She swiftly grabbed Jays hand and placed all the wet and left over food that was covered in dish soap in the sink into his hand. This action definately caused Jays brain to re wire its self or something like that.

Hyeri's action had a reaction. Jay retched. Fake puked. Refluxed. Whatever you want to call it.

Atleast he knew not to mess with Hyeri like that ever again.

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