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"Jayyyyy! I'm so tired here after working my ass off all day while you're on a break. Wait, who's that?" Ni-ki's face popped up, taking over the entirety of the screen.

"Ni-ki! Give my phone back. And don't be rude, that's Hyeri." Another voice called out from behind.

Ni-ki's face instantly lit up, leaving Jay with a bad feeling.

Hyeri shuffled beside him, edging closer to the screen.

"Hiii! How'd you know my name? Are you Ni-ki?" She asked, slowly prying the phone away from Jays hands.

"I am, How'd you know?" Ni-ki's aura completely changed. He seemed a little too excited.

Jay leaned closer to his phone. "You know it's been weeks since I've seen you guys, you'd think Ni-ki would say hello to me atleast." He teased the person on the other side of the call.

Ni-ki scoffed in annoyance. "Well forgive me for wanting to meet the girl that you've been rambling on about for so long in the group chat. She's so pretty guys, and her eyes are so comforting and warm. I'm so lucky to have met her, she's my angel for real-" Ni-ki mocked Jay in a higher toned voice.

Jay immedietly hung up.

The boy awkwardly turned to Hyeri, breaking the silence.

"Please don't listen to him. He's just joking I swear-"

"Aww you talk about me to your friends? Is that why you spent like 43 minutes alone in your room today?"

"Whatever, you wish." Jay rolled his eyes, slightly blushing.

They were interrupted by the phone ringing once again.

Hyeri took initiative and answered the call.

"Sorry about that. Jays feeling a little shy today." Hyeri greeted them, only this time, it was Jungwon holding the phone with the younger sulking behind him

"I'm sorry about what I said. It was ALL a joke. Jay is in love with you but I'm not supposed to tell yo-" Ni-ki emphasised his fake apology only to be pinched in the thigh by Jungwon.

"Behave." Was all he said before turning back to the screen.

"Hi Hyeri! I'm Jungwon. I wasn't expecting to meet you today." The boy introduced himself, flashing Jay and Hyeri with his dimples.

"Hi Jungwon. Are you single? Just kidding, it's nice to meet you two. Jays told me alot about you." Hyeri replied, shoving Jay off her after joking about Jungwons relationship status.

"Really?" Ni-ki replied from behind Jungwon, in awe.

"Nah, I'm kidding. Jays super secretive and mysterious. I actually know nothing about him" Hyeri smiled.

"Hey! What do you mean? You know plenty about me." Jay looked at Hyeri, feigning hurt.

"What do I know about you Jay? Hmm?" Hyeri asked, encouraging the boy to speak.

"You know my age, name, where I'm from, hobbies..."

"That's the basics. Where did you study? What do your parents do? What do you wanna be in the future? Come on Jay, you live in my house and know my mum. Clearly there's a lack of knowledge on you on my part." Hyeri replied, stating her valid argument.

"Awww you wanna know more about me? Hyeri, you could be just said you were interested in me, that would make things so much easier. I like you too, you know?" Jay replied jokingly. Well, half jokingky. But Hyeri didn't know that.

"You're so annoying. I'm gonna change the WiFi password just because of that. And I'm being serious this time." Hyeri threatened.

Hyeri and Jay had slowly drifted into their own world, forgetting about the other two on call as they fought.

"Seriously. They're like an old married couple." Jungwon commented, snapping the duo out of their trance.

"Don't say that, people that are called an old married couple always end up together. I don't wanna end up with Hyeri." Jay snapped jokingky.

Suprisingly enough, Hyeri's face flashed with a look of hurt before being concealed with a neutral face at that comment. Regardless, Jungwon noticed it. Ni-ki noticed it. Jay definitely noticed it.

This was awkward.

Hyeri finally spoke up. "Ugh, I don't wanna end up with you either Jay. Don't flatter yourself." The girl joked, attempting to lighten up the mood.

It somewhat worked.

"Don't worry Hyeri. I'm more than willing to let you be with me in the future." Ni-ki spoke up.

Ni-ki's comment confused everyone.

"Huh?" They all said unanimously

"Yeah. Lots of friends live together when they grow old." Ni-ki continued.

"Ohhhh" the three unanimously replied.

"Yeah. Hyeri, can you give me your number? I'm tired of speaking to Jay all day. Let's be best friends from now on." Ni-ki continued.

"Ni-ki..." Jay spoke up nervously. "I don't think that's a good idea-"

"047193715! Did you get that!" Hyeri quickly interrupted, covering Jays mouth with her hand.

"Yes!!" Ni-ki pumped his hands in excitement. "Got it, I just sent you a message."

Hyeri searched fro her phone before locating it on her side table.

"Yess, got it!" She replied, checking her notifications. "Oh? Yunjin got her phone back? I think I'll leave now. Jay, you can continue" Hyeri revealed. "I'll message you later, Ni-ki" Hyeri stumbled out of her bed.

"Hey! Where are you going? You're sick! And this is your room." Jay yelled after the girl, being ignored in the process.

"Jay? She's sick? Your germaphobe ass would have locked yourself in your room by now if you were with us..." Jungwon trailed off.

"You must really like her, huh?" Jungwon added in deep thought.

"No. Hyeri? Nah, I don't have a crush on her ahhahah. She's not sick it's just a sore throat..." Jay attempted to conceal his feelings

"Really? Then I'll go after her. I'll announce my undying love for her tonight." Ni-ki interjected playfully.

"Ni-ki don't..." Jay trailed off, clearly annoyed

The younger smiled mischievously, satisfied at Jays reaction. "Awww, is out Jay getting jealous? Will we steal his precious Hyeri away from him? Do you think-"

Jay hung up.

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