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Now Hyeri was determined. Nothing was going to get in her way. In order to curve her boredom, she and brought out a 1000 piece puzzle, one that she was gifted years ago but never got the chance to complete.

It was a Harry Potter puzzle, showcasing Hogwarts in all its glory.

Hyeri hugged the box to her chest, breathing in its old dusty scent.

"It's now or never." She told herself, eyes feirce.

"Whats that?" Asked Jay, leaving the kitchen for a second. He stood beside Hyeri, wiping his hands with a towel. Jay had been preparing lunch- a simple shrimp fried rice, but curiosity had gotten the better of him, so he decided to take a break.

"It's a puzzle, duh. You still decided to go with your Hella fancy menu?" Hyeri looked at Jay, to which he replied by nodding his head.

Hyeri had questioned him before, why was he going through the trouble of making 5 star meals every single day? Despite Jay reassuring her multiple times that this was his hobby, and that he hardly got time to cook in his every day life, and that he genuinely wanted to, Hyeri couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"I'll finish this by tonight, just watch me." Hyeri confirmed.

"Ok well, lunch will be ready in like 10 so don't get too into it." Jay said, returning to his original post.


"Bro? I've been calling you for the past 5 minutes? Come eat." Jay said, grabbing the girls shoulders.

"5 more and I'll be there."

This was normal for Hyeri. Once she got heavily involved in anything, nothing would stop her from completing her task. An exam to study for in highschool? No problem, Hyeri would just stay up all night studying, taking no breaks at all. An assignments due in Uni? Despite having it already completed, Hyeri would cancel all plans with her friends just to check it, then re check it, then check it a third time.a puzzle to complete in an unreasonable time frame set by herself? Lets grind I guess.

Jay was having none of it.

"It can wait, the quicker you eat, the faster you'll be back here. Let's go."


"If you eat now, I promise I'll help you with this puzzle." Jay felt as if he was talking to a child.

Hyeri immidietly dropped everything and guided Jay to the kitchen.

"Mmmmh what on earth? This is so good Jay." Hyeri's eyes widened in delight.

Jay chuckled and Hyeri continued. "No, seriously. This is easily in your top 10. No, top 5"

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. So, where'd you find that monster of a puzzle?"

Hyeri chewed her food before replying. Because let's face it, talking with food in your mouth is an ick for everyone.

"It was a gift, from my aunty like 8 years ago."

Throughout the meal, Jay learner that Hyeri was incredibly dead set on finishing the puzzle as soon as possible, so he decided to devour his meal just as she did in order to get back to the task at hand.

"Ok, I'll set a timer. let's see how long it takes for us to finish this bad boy." Hyeri rubbed her hands maliciously.

"Don't talk like that, you sound weird." Jay said

"Whatever, I'll start on this side and you can do that side. Start with the border."

And that's how they spent their evening. Throughout the entirety of the time, Hyeri couldn't help but appreciate Jays visuals. The way he pouted when he was concentrating, the way his eyes darted over every puzzle piece when he was looking for something specific, the way he rubbed his hands when he was unsure of what he just did.

He was really something else.

Jay, most definately, could say he did the same, admiring the way Hyeri would bite her lip in confusion when the pieces didn't go together, the way she brushed her hair out of her face, eventually getting so bothered by it that she tied it up, and the way she tried to not so subtly glance at Jay every now and then.

It was a repeated occurance. Eventually, Hyeri also realised that Jay would glance at her, which caused her cheeks to heat up.

They didn't talk that much that night, even when they ate the left over fried rice from lunch for dinner. They didn't talk when they both decided to clean the kitchen together, Jay washing the dishes while Hyeri put them away. They didn't talk when they raced back to the puzzle, stomachs full, happy and content.

They didn't talk, but the duo knew that they were enjoying each other's company in every possible form.

"It's been 11 hours and 43 minutes. Don't you think it's a little pathetic that we still haven't finished it yet?" Hyeri asked, eyeing the clock, realising that it was around 11.

"All the pieces look the same, besides, were almost done. I reckon we can finish in the next 20 if we work hard."

"Lets have a midnight snack." Hyeri suggested happily.

She disappeared into the kitchen only to return with

"-mint chocolate ice-cream! Oh don't be so dramatic you old man. Acting like my mum when she told me she crossed 3 rivers and fought a bear just to get to school everyday."

"Please, just leave. Don't bring that poison here."

Hyeri sat herself next to the boy, dipping 2 spoons into the tub and holding them in her hands.

"Say aaahhhh Jay. Come on, don't be a party pooper."

"Party pooper? What are you, in grade one? I won't stand for this-"

Hyeri aggressivly shoved the spoon into Jays mouth. His eyes widened in shock, tearing up a little before, oh? What's this? He didn't spit it out. Why does he look like he's in pure ecstasy?

"Wait why is this tolerable?" Jay asked, going in for another bite.

"You probably bought the cheap bad ones before, broke ass." Hyeri said, focusing back on the puzzle, earning a shove from Jay in the process.


"FINALLY! it's done." Hyeri said, proudly looking over her work when

"Huh? Where's the last piece? There's a piece missing there, Jay."

Jay looked and true to her words, the last piece really was missing.

"This always happens. Let's look for it."

Hyeri pondered for a moment, before looking up at the clock. "It's late, Jay, let's look for it tomorrow."

Jay pouted in annoyance. But he wasn't about to stay up alone all night looking for a puzzle piece, so he agreed.

"Ok, goodnight Hyeri."

"Night, Jay." The two split off into their respective rooms.

Who knew where the missing puzzle piece went? Who knew if Jay had secretly hid it in order to spend more time with Hyeri? Who knew if he returned around six in the morning just to place it back to its original place? And who knew if Hyeri had seen the whole thing take place?

I guess we'll never know

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