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In one hour, Jay would leave Hyeri's apartment. It would probably be a long time before he ever came back.

In one hour, Hyeri would be letting Jay go home without making up with him. Hyeri didn't even know where the two stood right now.


"It is a big thing Jay. And you know it. I feel hurt that you didn't tell me something important like that." Hyeri had said that morning

Jay sat Infront of her, eyes puffy and red.

"Look, I know I messed up. It's my fault, I acknowledge that. But is there any way we can still do this? Still be together?" Jay whispered. "I don't wanna lose you."

Hyeri and Jays relationship were built heavily on trust and mutual respect. Hyeri didn't question Jay when he told her that he didn't want to interact with Yunjin, she was willing to put her trust in the boy in order to further progress their relationship.

Jay had failed to do the same. He didn't have the courage to tell his partner a crucial piece of information, something that could eventually break their relationship.

I mean, his lack of trust was clearly proving to be a problem already.

"I understand that you're upset, but if you really think about it..." Jay continued
"It's not that big of a deal. It's just my job, everyone has jobs."

Hyeri looked at Jay in disbelief

"It's not that fact that you're an idol that scares me Jay, it's the fact that you're job is incredibly time consuming, I'm scared we'll fall apart due to a lack of connection or something like that." Hyeri calmly explained, although, she was losing her mind. "My mum works at you're agency. Hell, she's not even an idol but I hardly get to see her. And if it wasn't such a big deal, Jay, why didn't you tell me."

As much as he hated it, Jay had to agree with Hyeri's argument. He had seen first hand how Hyeri was effected by her mum being so far away.

"I wouldn't have allowed myself to get this close to you if I knew the truth." Hyeri said before getting up and walking to her room.


That hurt.

After the argument that morning, Hyeri and Jay had not talked. They hadn't even seen eachother.

Hyeri had skipped all her meals that day, and Jay had miserably packed his bags, praying for a miracle.

"Maybe Hyeri will come out for lunch?" He thought as he opened a lousy packet of chips.

"Maybe she'll need to pee soon. I can corner her there." He thought, not knowing that Hyeri refused to hydrate inside her room.

"Maybe she'll come say goodbye?" He thought as he sat Infront of the door, bag on his back.

It was 5.43pm, in seventeen minutes, lockdown would be lifted. He would be able to go home. His manager would pull up, ready to take him back to Seoul.

As 6pm grew closer, Jay accepted the fact that Hyeri wouldn't come out today.

He walked to her room door. Instead of entering, he chose to rest his forehead on the cool wood of the door.

"Angel? It's time, I'm leaving. I'm sorry for everything." He whispered melancholically. "I'm sorry."

He left.

Hyeri, on the other hand, heard every word. She sobbed into her pillow for what seemed to be the hundredth time that day and concealed her wails of pain

Was this really the end?


That night, Hyeri left her room, half expecting to see Jay. Maybe it was all a sick joke and Jay didn't leave, he just wanted to mess with her.

If only things could be as simple as that.

The kitchen top housed a plate of fried rice, covered in glad wrap. Probably left over from lunch.

"It's bad to skip meals Hyeri, do you wanna die early?" Jay would have said if he were here. But he weren't

Hyeri almost sobbed at the sight of the food. Almost.

She walked around and saw the two beanbags, they were once separated. Now, they sat side by side. Hand in hand

Hyeri walked to the guest room and saw that the bed sheets had already been replaced, the old ones bundled up in the corner, it was as if the universe was finalising the fact that Jay was gone.

The girl walked back out, not wanting to be reminded of Jay's honey and wood scent.

"Damn..." She thought. The girl was numb of all emotions.

People deal with heartbreak differently. Some will eat their feelings away while others focus on self improvement. Some would talk to new people as a distraction while others would lock themselves up from the world.

How would Hyeri deal with her broken heart?

For now, the girl chose to sit down on the floor, smack bang in the middle of her apartment. The sun had set a while ago and the windows were left open, allowing the chilly autumn air to sleep through the house. Earlier,  Yunjin had spammed her phone to the point where Hyeri felt the need to turn off her notifications. Ni-ki had also left a message on her phone, which was honestly unexpected.

Hyeriii my best friend in the whole wide world
Do you know why Jay's so sad? His emo ass won't talk to ANYONE

It sounded weird, but Hyeri could only think of how the apartment was so empty and dull without Jay.

The sunset lamp still displayed various colours, warming up the room. The TV was still as loud as it always was. The clock still ticked every second of every day. So why was the apartment so cold? Why did Hyeri feel so alone? Why did it feel like Years had passed since Jay resided in her home?

Hyeri's needed comfort. Like really desperatly. So she did the one thing she could think of, she walked over to her shelf and scoured around for her pink bear, only to find-

"What the fuc-"

It was gone.

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