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Ni-ki was a werid kid. Honestly.

Leaving his family behind at the sheer age of 13 probably had something to do with it.

Navigating himself around a foreign country resulted in Ni-ki learning how to play his cards at the right time.

Usually, the boy would put up a dumb act and act like any other kid his age. Playful. Innocent. Young.

In reality, Ni-ki prided himself in his knowledge and social skills

When he had debuted as a member of enhypen, the boy barely knew any Korean. He was estatic to find out that Jay knew Japanese. From that day onwards, the father-son duo were inseparable.

Jay would always take care on Ni-ki, get him out of trouble and explain unknown words to him

Ni-ki would admire Jay, always stay by his side and try to comfort him in times of need.

The thing is, Ni-ki wasn't able to fulfil his duty as a friend. Ni-ki wasn't able to comfort Jay when their job became too taxing on his mental health. Ni-ki wasn't able to listen to Jays concerns when he needed to rant. Ni-ki wasn't able to help Jay take a break when he needed it the most.

And Ni-ki hated that.

You could only imagine his shock when his manger sat down all the boys in a serious meeting.

Though their manager wore a mask, the boys could easily see his stressed and mad expression just from his eyes.

"We'll start this breif meeting now-"

"But Jays not here yet." Ni-ki had chimed in.

Their manager had taken a deep sigh before turning to the boys.

"Jay's run away. We don't know where, or why. Does anyone here know where he is?"

Ni-ki's mouth had been left agape. What? Jays gone?

What had made his lovely and kind Jay so bothered to the point where he had to run away?

He had just seen the boy this morning, Jay looked a little stressed as he packed his bag for the day. Other than that, everything was normal. As normal as can be.

"If anyone knows anything, you need to tell me now. We're suspecting an incoming lockdown, it's crucial we find Jay before he gets stuck somewhere."

And that was what had started Ni-ki's guilt. He felt guilty that he could not repay Jay with the same kindness he received.

Ni-ki was a weird kid, but he was smart.

"I think she's mad you said that you didn't wanna end up with her. You know? When Jungwon said that you guys were like an old couple?" Ni-ki had advised Jay over call.

Ni-ki had seen how lovey-dovey Hyeri and Jay acted in their previous video call. He was honestly glad that Jay had found someone to bring out the best in him

"Maybe they can lean on eachother." He had thought in awe when Hyeri introduced herself.

In the young boys eyes, Hyeri was kind and pretty and smart and witty and perfect

Perfect for Jay. They were made for eachother.

All Ni-ki could do now was watch them from the side line and support them as much as he could.

Ni-ki could do that right? He could play wingman and make sure the two end up together.

Ni-ki was weird, but he was smart.

How did he end up at the train station? Watching Jay pace back bad forth nervously from behind a pillar?

He had excused himself from the dorm, murmering an excuse of 'wanna go buy some food..."

Who was he kidding? There was plenty of snacks at the dorm.

Ni-ki checked his backpack.

Black hat...perfume...some fancy chocolate he picked up earlier and... Aha!

The pink bear. Jay, for some reason, had rocked up to the train station with a hamper of chocolates, wearing his best shirt and pants, hair slicked back, silver accessories...the list could go on and on. He had shown up to the train station with everything but Hyeri's beloved bear.

He looked good, no one could lie. But Hyeri would not be pleased if he decided to greet her bear-less.

Ni-ki pulled his hat down further and raised his mask even higher. He briskly walked to Jay and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Can I help yo- Ni-ki?" Jay asked, pausing.

Instead of explaining what he was doing there, Ni-ki pulled out a hat and put it on Jays head.

"Don't wanna see you making headlines tomorrow morning. You've already caused enough trouble." Ni-ki explained, fixing Jays hair and smoothing out his appearance.

When he was done, Ni-ki pulled out the bear from his bag.

"You're really in-experienced, you know?" Ni-ki said.

"Damn, I owe you. Can't believe I really forgot this..." Jay shook his head in disbelief.

"I know, I sacrificed 43 minutes of gaming for this, 44 now." Ni-ki checked his watch.

"I'm gonna go now. Don't come home if you don't make up with Hyeri tonight." Was all Ni-ki said as he left.

Home? When did Ni-ki start thinking of Korea as his home? The boy didn't know, but he felt giddy inside at the realisation. Ni-ki hoped he could expand his home even further now.

The boy would start by welcoming Hyeri into his life, his home. That was, if Jay would be able to reconcile with her.


After an extremely long trip, Hyeri was glad to get out of her seat and stretch her limbs at the train station.

She was not expecting to see Jay, standing there in all his glory, looking absolutely dashing when Hyeri herself stood there in an oversized hoodie, messy hair and eyebags.


Jay snapped her out of her thoughts by walking towards her.

"I missed you." Was all he said as he extended an arm, holding Hyeri's pink bear.

A peace offering maybe?

In that moment, Hyeri was overwhelmed with emotions, but at the same time, she knew that Jay was someone she would not let go of so easily.

It was like her head was finally clear. Hyeri knew what she wanted, and she was going to get it now.

Ignoring the bear that meant to much to the girl, Hyeri ran into Jays embrace with so much force, it neatly toppled the duo over. Nearly.

They slowly started to sob in eachothers arms, muttering I'm sorries and I missed yous.

How did their separation make a day feel like a year?

Onlookers watched the duo, smiling bittersweet smiles under their masks. Watching Jay and Hyeri's young love be displayed so passionately made everyone around them think of their own loved ones. Family, friends and lovers.

Hyeri and Jay wouldn't know that Ni-ki was watching them from behind the pillar, tears welling up in his eyes.

Words could not explain how happy he was for Jay right now. But also of how dearly he missed his family back in Japan. He wished to display the same level of love to his mum. His dad. His sister's. The friends he left behind. The life he left behind.

"Maybe someday." He thought. That night, Ni-ki walked out of the train station feeling lonlier than ever.

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