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"ok, so here's what I'm thinking."

"No." Hyeri didn't have to look up from her laptop to know that Jay was about to propose an out of pocket idea.

She was binging Goblin again. Hyeri couldn't help it, she liked to weirdly torture herself by watching the bittersweet drama from time to time

"Come onnn, you didn't even hear what I had to say." Jay groaned.

"Ok." Hyeri paused the drama. "What do you want?"

"Let me do your makeup."

Hyeri snorted humourlessly, directing her attention back to her laptop.

"I'm being serious, I've watched alot of videos and I have a little bit of experience." Jay whined like a 5-year-old child.

Hyeri looked back at the boy, the gears in her head were turning.

"Ok..." She agreed. "Under one condition. You have to do face masks with me."

Jays face brightened up with a smile.

"Easy. I'll look forward to it." He said, retrieving a bag from his room.

Hyeri looked at it and spoke up.

"Oh, you meant now?" Hyeri questioned, hesitantly turning off her laptop.

"No time like the present. Now, can you sit on this chair and tie back your hair?" Jay instructed, getting himself comfortable on the chair beside.

"This is kinda..." Hyeri complained, obliging my Jays request regardless.

Jay got to work, pulling out random sized brushes that he found in Hyeri's room

"Hey! When did you-"

"When you were in the shower this morning. You left your door open and I saw them just laying there." Jay replied casually.

"They're actually the reason that I felt inspired to bring out my creative side today." Jay joked, acting like a phenomenal artist. (Which he is)

"Whatever, please get on with it."

Jay got to work, pulling out various powders, concealers and eyeshadows decorating Hyeri's face with various shades of pinks and subtle touches of glitter.

When he was done, Jay felt the need to over express himself.

"Damn, I'm good, aren't I? No one could make you look this pretty Hyeri. You should be bowing down and thanking me for taking your hand and showing you the light at the end of the tunnel." He whistled.

Hyeri felt warm under the gaze of Jay so she tried to move away.

"Not so fast angel, can you pose for me?" Jay requested. "Just for memories." He felt the need to explain.

Hyeri looked at Jay dumbly.

"Let me see myself first-" she tried to squirm away, only to be caged by Jays arms.

"I promise I didn't do anything weird. If you let me take this photo, I'll let you do my makeup as well." He suggested, Hyeri agreed.

The girl looked up at the camera, posing with a peace sign. She smiled softly, enhancing her natural beauty along with the delicate makeup.

Jay looked at his phone and smiled at the photo of his dear Hyeri as the girl raced to the bathroom mirror.

"Ohmygod??? Jay, why are you so good at everything????" Hyeri squealed, admiring herself from every angle possible.

Jay followed her to the bathroom, smiling at Hyeri's pleasant reaction.

They stood there for a while before Hyeri snapped back to reality.

"I'm honestly not that good at makeup so I don't know why I agreed to do yours. Let's just skip it for now." Hyeri suggested, pulling Jay by her side to take a photo.

"Oh? Another photo with me?" Jay asked smugly.

"Just for memories." Hyeri mumbled.

They took a few shots, which ended up with Jay giving Hyeri a piggy back.

"Wait that's kinda cute." Hyeri commented on the photo. "I'll send it to you later, now it's my turn."

Hyeri grabbed Jays hand and dragged him to her room.

She sat Jay down on her bed before she rummaged through her closed, coming back with facemask in her hand.

"Go change into your pyjamas. It'll make the mood more fun." She instructed.

Jay raced to his room, coming back in a record breaking minute. To be honest, he was excited at the thought of spending time like this with Hyeri.

He entered the room to find Hyeri in

"-the same shirt?" Hyeri commented, eyes wide open.

Somehow, the two had managed to own a pair of the same oversized shirt, displaying a cartoon cow with a flower on its head.

"We're just meant to be." Said Jay, flopping down onto the bed once again.

"Ok, let's begin!"


"-actually speak English-" Jay revealed, only to be interrupted.

Hyeri and Jay had resorted to conversing in order to waste time while waiting for the face masks to do its job.

"You speak English too?" Hyeri exclaimed excitedly in the foreign language

"Yeah, how-". Jay mumbled, astonished "You too?"

"Yeah, I think my dad was a foreigner. Honestly, I don't know. But I somehow know English Soo..." Hyeri explained.

"Ok, that's enough English for me tonight." She switched back to Korean, making Jay laugh.

The two were laying down on their backs, looking up at the ceiling. The timer on Hyeri's phone went off, signalling that their 20 minutes was up.

"Let me get that for you." Jay proposed, handling Hyeri's face mask by the edge and throwing it in the bin.

Hyeri lay alone in her room while Jay was gone head racing with thoughts.

"I can't take this. Why did I make him do this? My heart's racing, this is what couples do. Matching shirts, face masks, doing things for eachother, all coupley things! He'll be gone soon, you're just hurting yourself."

Jay would be lying if he said he wasn't thinking of similar thoughts as he threw away the facemasks.

"Don't get too close. Oh, but she's so cute! Why did she make me do this with her? Now I won't be able to stop thinking about her. Ok, back to normal Jay, or she'll think you're weird."

Jay returned to the room, jumping into the vacant space beside Hyeri.

"We just have to pat our faces, right?" Jay asked, lightly slapping his face.

"Yeah, just a little bit." Hyeri replied, doing the same.

They lay in silence for a little, Jay took in the view of Hyeri's room while Hyeri snuck glances at Jay.

"You have exactly 43 photos on that wall." Jay spoke up after a little while.

"Yeah, they're all from my highschool days. With my friends and mum." Hyeri explained, pointing out at her fond memories.

Jay smiled, listening intently to Hyeri as she spoke so highly of the people around her.

"You'll add out photos there, right" Jay asked after some time.

Hyeri shyly nodded. "Honestly, that's why I was so eager to get your number and take those photos earlier. I enjoy having physical copies of my best memories." Hyeri explained.

"I wanna be able to show these photos to my kids one day, so they can put a face to a name. Those people in stories are the reason my youth was filled with so much joy, I wanna make sure I remember everything." Hyeri added.

They lay in silence for a little while.

"I'll make sure you never forget me Hyeri. And I'll make sure I never forget you either." Jay muttered under his breath so lightly that Hyeri almost missed it. But she didn't. she heard it all.

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