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Hyeri woke up to the warm sun a sound.The sun was pleasant and expected, of course the girl would be met with the warm embrace of the warmth of the sun in the morning.

A weird sound? That was unexpected. Was someone in her kitchen? Was someone in her house? The memories from yesterday started flooding back, stranger looking for accommodation, best friend at supermarket, expensive grocery bill. Oh yes, this was her situation.

She opened the window to let some fresh air in as she made her bed, breathing in the dewy morning air and viewing the way the trees swayed in the wind.

Hyeri pulled on an ugly sweater and silently slipped into the bathroom, making sure to stay out of Jays sight. She completed her morning routine which consisted of taking a shower, using the bathroom and facial and dental care. Hyeri was about to slip out when-

"NO! Nonononono. Hyeri? Where are you?" She heard a scream

What's this?

The confused girl walked out of the bathroom to find Jay on his knees in her room, looking directly at the window.

"What's going on?" Hyeri started Jay, who looked like he was one the verge of panic.

Jay looked back and forth at the window, then Hyeri. Finally, he choked out what seemed to be a sob and composed himself as he got to his feet.

"No, I just thought that you left." He said.

"Throught the window?" Girl what?

"No, I knocked on your door for so long and you never responded. I came in and you were gone, and your window was wide open. What was I supposed to think? My angel got kidnapped?" Jay exclaimed sheepishly.

"It wasn't weird of me to think that, anyone in my place would have." He added.

Hyeri look wide eyed at the boy before laughing.

"Why are you laughing? This isn't funny!" Jay exclaimed once again.

"No I'm sorry it's just, your scream was so loud." Hyeri laughed hysterically.

Jay scoffed

"You're laughing at me? Are you serious?"

"It's just" hyeri breathed in-between laughing. "You're first assumption was that I got kidnapped?"

"You're right. No one would want to kidnap anyone wearing that ugly sweater. Where'd you get that, from the dumpster?" Jay asked, feigning curiosity.

Hyeri's gaze hardened as she zeroed in on Jay

"My Grandma made it, she passed away." Hyeri deadpanned.

Oh, this was awkward.

The silence was broken by more laughter. Hyeri clenched her stomach as she doubled over, eventually falling to the ground.

"I'm sorry, it's just so funny. My Grandma died before I was born, don't worry."

"She has a weird sense of humour." Jay thought. Regardless, he was relieved that Hyeri was ok, and that he hadn't said anything to offend anyone.

"Ok, so, what I was initially trying to say was that I made breakfast, and now it's probably half cold, so let's go." Jay pushed Hyeri to the kitchen from the back.

The two sat down on the kitchen top, Hyeri marveled at the sight of the food. There was toast, eggs, cinnamon oats and

"Nutella!" Hyeri sighed contently, hugging the jar of goodness.

"Are you kidding me? I made all this just for you to eat Nutella? No." Jay confiscated the jar.

"Don't you think you're getting a little too comfortable Jay? Chill, I was going to eat  everything anyways, this is too good." Hyeri said in one go, while grabbing the oats, still eyeing the toast and nutella.

"Crazy..." Jay thought

"Jay, maybe I should keep you forever. You can be my maid." Hyeri spoke up, clearly delighted at the taste of the food.

"How long did it take you to make all this?" Hyeri pondered, grabbing the eggs.

"About 40 minutes. 43 to be exact."

Hyeri paused. "Did you time how long it took for you to cook? Weirdo."

"Whyyyy? I wanna know how long it takes me to make specific things. So if I ever wanna destress by cooking, I'll know what I can do with the amount of time I have on my hands." Jay said.

"Don't worry Jay, I'll let you destress all month long. You can take care of lunch and dinner while I do breakfast." Hyeri suggested, stuffing her mouth even further.

"Oh really? And what will you make?" Jay asked, filling his cup with water


Jay spent the rest of the morning rambling about how Hyeri had no sense of what foods had nutritional value, how Hyeri needed to take care of herself more and about how Hyeri was going to die young due to her dietry choices.

After cleaning the kitchen, Jay disappeared into the bathroom to take a shower himself.

Hyeri splattered herself on one of the beanbags, scrolling through her phone.

Jay walked out, dragging a beanbag next to Hyeri before sitting down.

"I'm kinda bored." Jay said

Hyeri didn't trust herself to speak. Jay smelt of honey and wood, which suprisingly smelled pretty good. Where did he even get that bodywash or whatever it was? Hyeri was sure she owned nothing that smelled that good.


"Please entertain me." Jay asked

"No, go away." Hyeri turned her body to face away from Jay.

"Let's play 21 questions." Jays suggested


"I'll give you my password to Disney plus."

Hyeri's demeanour changed immidietly.

"Aww you should have started with that. What's your favourite colour?" Hyeri started

"That's the worst question anyone could ask. How is that gonna make you know me? It's blue." Jay said. "Why are you living alone?"

"My mum occasionally stays in the room you're in right now, she does alot of business related work in Seoul so she owns a separate apartment there. Do you have a job?"

"Yes. Who was that girl yesterday?"

Hyeri blinked obliviously.

"You didn't answer my question."

"Yeah I did. You asked if I work and I said yes."

Fine. He wins.

"She's my best friend, Yunjin. Why, are you interested?" Hyeri teased

"No, I didn't see her properly but she just looked like my friend or something. How come you don't have a boyfriend?"

"Haven't found the right person yet, everyone's so annoying. How come you were in a secluded town where you had no connections?"

"Uhhh, I just needed to get away for a bit."

"So you came to an unknown place? I mean, we have a low population and one motel for visitors, that's barely open for the public by the way, why didn't you go somewhere nicer?" Hyeri pressed

"Hold on, my phone's ringing. Can we continue this later?" Jay asked hurriedly getting up and dragging the beanbag to its original place.

"I'll give you the password later" Jay added before slipping into his room, leaving a dumbfounded Hyeri all alone.

His phone wasn't ringing though?

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