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Autumn is such a wonderful season isn't it? The way the cool wind cheers everyone up, trees swaying melodically everywhere you go, eating ice cream in the chilly weather while reading a book.

Or maybe it was just Hyeri's perception. And maybe, the night before had something to do with Hyeri's mood.

The girl woke up, stretching her body and reaching for her water bottle. This was unusual, instead of staying in bed for an extra 10 minutes, draped under the comfort of her warm blanket as she scrolled on her phone, Hyeri decided to get up straight away. Maybe she was eager to see him.

"When did I fall in love with you?" Jays sweet words from earlier echoed in her head over and over again, causing the girl to reduce into a gushy blushing mess.

"Ugh, I feel like a 15 year old highschool student again..." Hyeri groaned into her pillow.

She walked out to see-


No Jay? Only a plate of eggs and toast sat on the bench waiting for her.

Hyeri walked over to the guest room and knocked on the door. Once. Twice. Thrice.

She opened the door and saw Jay watching a YouTube video so intensely, earphones blasting in his ears.

"Who watched videos with subtitles on?" The girl thought to herself as she peered over the boys shoulder.

"-create boundaries and talk about everything." The YouTuber explained. "Make sure you always put in 110% of effort into everything, and make sure your special someone knows how they make you feel. How much you like them. In order to further progress your relationship into something more-"

"What are you watching?" Hyeri interrupted, placing an earphone into her own ear.

Jay seemed startstruck. He immedietly shut his laptop screen and faced the girl with a red face.

"Nothing. Just some team bonding with people at work." He failed in explaining.

"Sure...." Hyeri dragged. "So, how come you won't eat with me today?"

Jay paused, he looked as if he were struggling to find the right answer.

"I uhhhh." Jay started. He didn't end up finishing his sentence. Jay got up and gently guided Hyeri out of his room.

Hyeri stood outside, dumbfounded, when her phone chimed in her pocket.

I need to find the right words to say to you, please give me some time.
Enjoy breakfast in the meantime
I'm not mad at you, just struggling to communicate my feelings💗

Hyeri re-read his message and nodded her head in approval.

"Thanks for clearing it up. I'll give you time." She replied before waking over to her breakfast.


Ok, this was getting ridiculous. It was now 8.52, it had been exactly 43 minutes since Jay had told her he needed time. But there had been no response from him yet.

The girl walked out of the shower, drying her hair with a grey towel.

"Need moisture" she mumbled to herself, felling her face and body get drier and drier each second, thanks to the burning hot shower she had just taken

Hyeri walked into her room and left the door slightly ajar, incase Jay decided to pop up at any minute. There, she found an envelope resting on her bed.

"What's this?" She opened it up.

There, she found a letter addressed to her, a short message inscribed in neat handwriting

I really like you Hyeri. I'd like to know where we stand regarding our relationship, but I'd also like you to consider how we have less than a week to actively spend time together, and how being separated after this may impact our relationship.

I'm willing to take things further, but understand if you don't feel the same.


Hyeri chucked and walked towards her diary, where she placed the letter inside for future purposes. Does that even make sense?

She then fished out her phone and clicked on Jays contact.

I'm all in if you are
We can figure everything out later
Let's just enjoy what we have now

A few seconds later, Jay was racing to Hyeri's room

"Are you serious?" Jay smiled sincerely

"Yes, now come here you big oaf" Hyeri invited him to cuddle.


"Don't you think this is kind of unhealthy?" Jay spoke up after a while


"All we do is cuddle and laze around. If we weren't in lockdown, what do you think we would do everyday?" Jay asked.

Hyeri thought of all the possibilities. To be honest, if lockdown wasn't a thing, the duo would probably have never met.

Jay would be in Seoul, doing whatever it is that he does. Hyeri would be studying daily and hanging out with her friends. Jay would never have dated or gotten close to anyone. Hyeri would go on lousy blind dates, only to come home miserable and uncomfortable.

Hyeri would be resting on a park bench one Autumn day after a long week and Jay would coincidentally pick the same bench to sit on.

Hyeri would go back home around half an hour later to finish up her latest assignment and Jay would be picked up by an angry manager and a body guard in a tinted black van a few moments after that.

And that would have been the only time that Jay and Hyeri's paths would have ever crossed.

But Hyeri chose not to think about that.

Instead, she chose to respond with a made up answer.

"You'd be my hot trophy boyfriend, everyone on campus would be so jealous of me." Hyeri spoke up. "Your turn."

Jay thought for a moment before smiling. "You'd be my perfect little angel, who'd teach me new things about myself after I moved to this town."

The two played with eachother fingers, eventually intertwining them together.

"I'm glad I met you, I really am." Jay spoke up. "It's like you popped up out of nowhere at the perfect moment, helping me right when I needed someone."

Jay had now sat upright, facing Hyeri head on as she lay on the bed, obviously caught off guard at the sudden confession

"I'd like to be your boyfriend, if you'd let me." He whispered, pressing a kiss onto Hyeri's hand.

"I'd like that very much." Hyeri replied.

.·°¯°·.¸.->Autumn Leaves<-.¸.·°¯°·.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon