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"YOOOO! Is that my girl Hyeri? Why do you look so down?" Yunjin yelled through the phone, casuing Hyeri to cover her ears.

"Bro, you don't have to yell. I can hear you properly."

"Wow. You'd think that after a week of being cut off from eachother, you'd be happier to see me." Yunjin scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"Nah. I'm excited. So happy right now." Hyeri maintained a bored face.

"I hate you."

"No you don't."


Suddenly, Hyeri's eyes started to slightly water. Yunjin noticed this.

"Baby, don't cry. If you cry, I'll cry."

"I'm not gonna cry."

Hyeri cried. Yunjin cried.

"We've never been apart for this long before. I missed you." Hyeri wailed into the phone. It was honestly astonishing how Jay didn't hear her just yet.

"I missed you too. This stupid corona virus separated us. And then my mum punished me for no reason. It's been so hard to live." Yunjin cried back, hiccupping in the process.

"Nooo. I miss your mum and your sister. This sucks, I feel so lonely without you." Hyeri replied after some time, wiping her tears and taking a breath.

Slowly, Yunjin started to calm down on the other side.

"I know, I'm sorry. Honestly, it's kinda my fault. I should've gotten my phone like 3 days ago but then I did something stupid." Yunjin revealed nervously.

Hyeri paused and thought logically. Hyeri and Yunjin ALWAYS video call. Why was today different?

"Hold on. Let me face time you."

Shock was one way to describe how Hyeri felt.

Yunjin started back at her, hair bleached.

"What the HELL? YOU LOOK HOT. BRO LET'S GET MARRIED I SWEAR." Hyeri screamed, stunned by her friends beauty.


At the mention of Jays name, Hyeri fell silent.

What was this awkward tension Yunjin felt through the phone?

"Uhh hello? What's wrong. Did Jay pull something weird?" Yunjin pressed. "Bro you can tell me anything. If he did, I'll be on my way right now."

"No, he didn't do anything weird. He's good to me, a little too good." Hyeri replied, fumbling with her fingers

Yunjin stared at Hyeri through the phone.

"I don't understand. What's the problem then?"

Hyeri looked back at her room, where Jay was currently resting. She looked back at her phone and made up her mind

"Well, it's kinda dangerous to talk about here. It would be really weird if we coincidentally met up at the grocery store tomorrow. Maybe around 3.00pm? Don't you think?" Hyeri spoke up, looking around her apartment cautiously incase anyone (Jay) was listening.

Yunjins eyes widened mischievously as she got the memo. "You're right babyghorl. It would also be weird if you came to my car and saw me with a little too much of my mum's brownies. You'd probably help me finish them, seeing that I couldn't eat them all by myself"

"Shit, I love your mum's brownies. Are you serious?"

"Dead serious. You better tell me everything tomorrow. Operation Brownies begins now." Yunjin hung up.


Hyeri got there a little earlier. It had taken hours (10 minutes) of coaxing Jay into staying home alone so that she could coincidentally meet her best friend.

Maybe she got there early because she couldn't wait to tell Yunjin about the past week. Maybe she got there early because she was salvating at the thought of brownies. Or maybe, she got there for the sole purpose of seeing her best friend.

You could imagine Hyeri's shock when Yunjin also happened to pull up beside her, an hour earlier than planned.

The Hyeri plunged into the latters car. Seriously, as soon as the car was unlocked, she dove into the seat and locked the door behind her

It was only normal that the two embraced eachother tightly, cutting off all oxygen from eachother.

"Wanna take this to my house?" Hyeri jokingly, yet seductively whispered into Yunjins ear, casuing her to push Hyeri off.

"Ewww you stinky person. No more dessert for you." Yunjin joked, earning a shove.

Two hours, and a finished batch of brownies later, the girls were still conversing.

"-He said that he doesn't want to end up with me or something to his friend yesterday while I was literally locked into his side. And you know he kissed me on the cheek before the exam? why would he do that If he doesn't want to be with me? How did the exam go for you, by the way? It was pretty hard, right?" Hyeri ranted. It felt good to get things off her chest.

"The exam was ass. I passed, that's all that matters. But he kissed you? What did he say after that?"

"He said he does it to his friends all the time. But I don't know... He acts kinda weird sometimes. Why does he treat me so nicely if he doesn't wanna be with me?" Hyeri groaned covering her face.

Yunjin inspected her friend while she was in deep thought, before she clapped her hands loudly. Realisation was written all over her face.

"No way!? You like Jay."


"It's ok baby. You're just in the denial stage right now. Why do you care so much about what he says and does? Tell me, does your heart beat fast around him? Do you blush because of him? Does he made you feel like the only special girl in the whole wide world?"


"Right, sorry. But for real, you like him don't you?"

Hyeri thought about how she would feel after Jay calls her angel, how her heart would beat whenever he came close to her and how she wanted to admire Jay for hours on end, just for being who he is.

She thought of how greatful she felt whenever Jay comforted her, or recently, took care of her when she was sick. She thought of how happy she would feel when Jay would help around the house with chores. Hyeri thought of how blessed she felt whenever Jay cooked anything. I mean, the 43 meals he had cooked since they met were nothing short of masterpieces.

Hyeri low-key knew that she felt differently around Jay compared to her other friends.

She had subconsciously realised that she had fallen for Jay a long time ago.

She had only just consciously noticed that she wasn't ready to let Jay go so easily.

"Shit. I like Jay."

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