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"Damn. I clearly didn't think this through." Jay sulked.

The duo had been walking around the streets of Seoul after checking Hyeri into her hotel.

They were looking for a bite to eat, clearly not considering the fact that resteraunts would all be closed thanks to Covid.

"We can always go back to the hotel and order room service." Hyeri suggested, slowly intertwining her pinky with Jays.

Jay paused and thought for a moment.

"Sounds good. We can talk comfortably when we're there too."


"-This is really good!" Jay but into the pie. "Try some." He offered Hyeri his fork, interrupting his own sentence

Hyeri looked at the fork, then Jays face. Reluctantly, the girl took a bite.

"You know we just indirectly kissed, right?"

Hyeri choked on her pie.

"You RAT! Don't say things like that." She reached out for her water.

Jay chuckled at the girls dramatic response and continued eating.

"Anyways, as I was saying, Yunjins little sister is a big fan of ours. Yunjin always accompanied her to in-person events, so we became sort of mutuals? I mean, I've met her little sister like 43 times so..
" Jay explained.

"So that's how she knew you..." It all made sense to Hyeri now.

"Hyeri..." He spoke up once he finished his meal. "Do you remember how I still have that wish left over from when we made the Dalgona coffee?"

Hyeri nod her head as she briefly remenisced of that day. How long has it been since that day?

"I've made up my mind. I wish for us to be together, happily and healthily for the rest of our lives. I'll put in all the effort I can gather to make sure this works out and so that you don't get hurt. I promise what we have is worth it. I think we can work out a long distance relationship too, we're old enough to do so. Are you willing to grant my wish?"

Hyeri could only smile at the boy Infront of her.

He was her sun, he made everything warm and happy for her.

She couldn't let her sun go so easily, could she?

Slowly, the girl nod her head.

"I did some thinking too." The girl revealed. "We're old enough to date seriously, and I think this is worth a shot."

"To be honest, my mum's been pestering me to move to Seoul for a while now. And she only just finalised her decision when I was on the train." The girl revealed her big secret. "I'm moving here! That way, I can get a better education here, be closer to my mum and maybe even be close to you."

Jay gushed at the girls cuteness. He was overloaded with pure happiness and bliss at the revelation


"So I'll be going back in a week to pack all my things. Yunjins coming here with me too. We're gonna be city girls!" Hyeri smiled, throwing her hands in the air.

The duo abandoned their food and hugged eachother once again.

"I'm so glad we could do this. Be together." Jay kissed the top of Hyeri's head.

"So does this mean..." Jay attempted to confirm.

"We're dating. So you better draw a line with all your fangirls, ok Jay?" Hyeri joked, pecking the boys cheek.

Suddenly, the duo heard cheers from outside the hotel room door.

"Finally! They took so long to do that." Someone yelled.

"Shut up! They're gonna hear you!" Another unknown voice said.

Hyeri, confusedly walked to the door and opened it, only to be met with the view of five boys huddled together in black masks and huge bucket hats.

"We're sorry, wrong room." One of them said.

"Jungwon?" Jay called out from behind. "Wait, were you guys spying on us?"

The five boys sheepishly nod their heads and looked down.

Hyeri connected the dots and clapped her hands.

"Oh! You must be Jays friends! Come in." She invited them in.

"Oh no, we really shouldn't..." Jake started

"No really, it must be uncomfortable outsi-"

"Ok!" Jake interrupted, guiding the five boys inside the room

"Where's Ni-ki?" Jay pulled Sunoo aside as the boys awkwardly shuffled through the hotel room. Sunoo took off his mask.

"Don't know, he said he was gonna get food but he hasn't come back since then." Sunoo shrugged, thinking nothing of it.

Jay furrowed his eyebrows. "Lemme just text him" the boy whipped out his phone and sent a message.

Ni-ki 👾
Call me when you're free.

That night, the boys would not leave Jay alone.

"Nooo, but do you guys remember when he kissed her and panicked and started talking about how Hyeri was going to kick him out in the middle of the night?" Jake laughed, revealing Jays deepest, darkest and most embarassing secrets.

"What about when he told us he hid the puzzle piece so they could spend more time together?" Sunoo brought up, clapping his hands while laughing.

"Who knew our Jay would be the romantic type?" Sunghoon laughed, teasing the older.

Jay turned to Hyeri, face the deepest shade of red.

"They're all lying to you!" He screeched in an attempt to save himself.

"Oh really? I can pull up the messages if you want..." Sunghoon whipped out his phone in a flash. "I've got receipts."

"NO! I mean, nahh. It'll take a while to find them, so it's ok. Let's all let Hyeri rest now, she's had a long day." Jay fumbled.

"Sunghoon! I've got screenshots here-" Sunoo started.

"Guys, don't embarass Jay. Look at his face, it's so red. He probably thinks he looks unfashionable and lame in Hyeri's eyes." Heeseung smirked at his friends reactions

"Ok that's enough." Jungwon took over, standing up. "It's late, and we all have to rest. Let's pack up for the night. Hyeri, it was nice to finally meet you."

The boys got up and made their way out of the room

Jay lingered around at the back of the group for a bit.

"You coming?" Jungwon yelled

"Go ahead, I'll be down soon." Jay yelled back before turning to his girlfriend.

"Your mum should start her holiday tomorrow. I hope you have fun with her! And I'm sorry for tonight, it was supposed to be just us but..." Jay trailed off

Hyeri looked up at her boyfriend and smiled

"It's ok, I enjoyed tonight. They're all so fun, I hope we can all hang out soon." Hyeri reassured.

"Oh, and Jay?" Hyeri calleed out as the boy turned away.

She went on her Tippy toes, softly grabbed Jays face and gave him a small peck on his lips.

"Goodnight!" She slammed the door shut, leaving a flustered Jay all by himself.

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