Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Lavi strolled into the cafeteria after waking up and doing his daily morning routine. His green eyes scoured around the area. He didn’t know who he was looking for. But when his eyes stopped on a long black haired girl with green eyes sitting with Allen, Lenalee, Miranda, Krory and Kanda, he remembered the night before, when he had freaked out.

Oh. Kanda’s there, too, Lavi thought. Actually, Yu was probably there first, then Allen, Lenalee and the rest joined him…he must be annoyed. Haha, that’s funny. He’s always annoyed.

His eyes went straight from the others to Krory, who was sitting beside Eliza. Lavi shrieked inside, feeling frantic and annoyed at the same time. Quickly, he tried to walk very fast and normal at the same time, going to get his breakfast and walking to the table, so that it was very casual. Apparently, that was to him.

The others didn’t see it that way. They saw the red head hurry around like a lost duck, get his food, then awkwardly walk over to the table, then sit down, right next to Eliza, who had a spare seat next to her.

Phew…this was nothing! Lavi mentally wiped the sweat off his forehead and smiled to the others as if it were nothing, saying a brief ‘good morning’ before digging in to his meal, still secretly eyeing Krory and Eliza.

Kanda’s eye twitched at another person joining the table – when Allen and Lenalee came, it attracted everybody else. How typical. How annoying. Allen and Lenalee exchanged looks, and then glanced at Lavi, who had an aura of irritation, just by watching Eliza and Krory. They sweat-dropped, thinking the same thing: What’s wrong with Lavi today?

“Hey, Krory, I want to ask you about your Innocence,” Eliza started, turning to Krory as she stabbed a piece of meat and shoved it into her mouth, eating heartedly. Her back was even facing Lavi. Was he being ignored? Now that she said it, she’s never asked him about his Innocence at all! Did she really like Krory more than him?

Inside, Lavi was crying a lake of despair. Eliza really didn’t like him, eh? Now that he thought of that – why was he even thinking of this in the first place? What was his purpose? Why was he getting all hyped up because of Eliza? WHAT WAS HE THINKING?!

Kanda drank the last of his Japanese tea and stood up, holding his tray. Without a word, he left. He had a mission to complete. And it didn’t involve the losers sitting around the table.

Allen and Lenalee’s eyes trailed from Kanda to Lavi, who seemed to be poking at his steak with his knife. Every time Eliza and Krory would converse, every single line, he stabbed the steak brutally, then took out the knife.

The white haired exorcist and dark haired girl looked at each other, exchanging facial expressions for what to do, and what they thought that Lavi was doing.

“Is he jealous?” Lenalee whispered to Allen, so that he could only hear.

Allen thought for a second, before nodding. “But she’s completely ignoring him…” He glanced back at Lavi, now seeing that he was chopping the steak with ferocity, then chomping on it, and gnawing it like a hungry tiger. “I think he’s going to destroy something…”

Lenalee took action quickly, clearing her throat as a way of catching attention, and succeeded. Everyone stared at her, wondering what she wanted to say. Nobody dare go against her. After all, Komui was backing her up. And no one wants to get on Komui’s bad side. Nobody.

The Chinese exorcist turned to Lavi, giving him a smile, “After you finish, you need to go back to Komui’s office. He said he needed you there.” Looked to Krory and Miranda, “You two will also need to go, but at a later time, after Lavi comes back out.” Smiling she concluded, “That’s all.”

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