forget me

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age: 14



"But, mama, he texted saying he was going to be late. It doesn't mean he's not coming."

"I didn't say that, sweetheart. I just told you not to get your hopes up, you know what he's like," I sigh, referring to her father.

My ex-husband and I got divorced when my daughter was five and ever since, he's made excuses to not see her as often. We had mutually agreed that he would get weekend time with her every fortnight since he's gone and started his own new family who he needs to take care of. However, he hasn't held up his end of the bargain and has been letting her down since she was little. Y/N didn't think much of it when she was younger, because he had manipulated her into thinking he simply didn't have time for her because of the baby he and his mistress had, but really it was just him being a self-absorbed dickhead. He's always been that way, it's one of the many reasons I split up with him. Not to mention the cheating element.

Still, he occasionally cleared out his schedule enough to spend some time with our daughter. That's what I thought, anyway.

It wasn't until Y/N was eleven that she told me her dad had been bribing her to keep quiet about the fact he was never actually at home whilst looking after her. I of course was furious and threatened to file for full custody of Y/N if he didn't sort his shit out. Obviously he never did but my daughter begged me not to stop her from seeing him. She just has too much hope in her heart to face the sad truth that he's going to cancel on her last minute.


It's half an hour later and Y/N still hasn't left. I know that because I haven't heard the door shut, which I normally can when I'm in my office like I am now.

I'm just catching up on some old work papers, nothing too important but something to keep me busy whilst I wait for my daughter to burst into the room in a frenzy and tears from the disappointment of her father letting her down yet again.

"Mommy?" There we go. "Mama, can I come in?" she asks sweetly through the door separating us. I can tell from the way her voice is wavering that the tears have already begun.

"Yeah, baby," I call back, watching as she shyly walks into the room, her cheeks pink from crying. I quickly swivel back on my spinny chair, making room for her to crawl onto my lap. "Come here, honey."

She doesn't waste any more time in running up to me and sitting on my knees, her body sprawled sideways so I'm cradling her like a baby.

Knowing it relaxes her, I use the tip of my feet to press against the floor and start spinning my chair side to side slowly. Not all the way round, just a little bit. And I feel her melt into my hold almost instantly.

"Why doesn't he love me anymore?" she sniffles, burying her face into my neck.

"Sweetheart, no, don't say that. It's not that at all, he's just... well, if I'm being honest, he's just a massive prick. Although, he does have a surprisingly small one," I joke to lighten the mood, emitting a giggle from my girl.

"Y/N/N, I honestly do not know what is going through your dad's head right now. I don't wanna give you false hope and say he's going to improve because I don't see it happening. I know you love him but you need to start lowering your expectations. Don't waste your time and effort trying to get him to see you, save all of that for something worth your while. None of this is your fault," I tell her, sternly but softly.

"I miss him," she admits quietly, lifting her head up to look into my eyes. I bring my hand to her face and gently wipe away her tears, planting a kiss on her nose when I'm done.

"I know, my sweet girl. But, I do have something that might just cheer you up a little bit," I say in a playful tone, causing her to perk up and look at me in confusion.

"Cheer up, buttercup. Mama's gonna make this evening more fun than what your dad could ever do. You know my friend Maria?" She nods. "She was gonna come over later anyway to hang out." (Definitely not to have sex.) "I can ask Yelena, Wanda, and Carol to come too and we can all have a games night! How does that sound?"

"I like that idea. Thank you, mama. I love you."

"I love you too, my beautiful girl."


short but sweet<3

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