sign of the times

2.6K 92 137

age: 10



I love Y/N, like love her. A lot. Obviously.

But my god! That child has energy like no one else. She can't sit still for more than two seconds.

Hence why I gave her the nickname 'Tigger' from Winnie The Pooh, she's always bouncing around or whatnot.

It wipes me out, but I wouldn't change it for the world. I was the one who took her in, anyway.

I'm not Y/N's birth mom. Her parents were good friends of ours and SHIELD agents who unfortunately passed away after some fatal injuries during a mission they joined us on. Y/N's mother made me promise that I would always take good care of her little one, and I've kept my word.

Y/N was only six at the time, she didn't take it well, of course. What child would? She couldn't even make sense of the world.

The past two years, she's really been living life to the fullest. She is so enthusiastic and it's such a beautiful thing to be able to see her grow up.

Today, we're spending the afternoon in the training room since she wanted to muck about on some of the equipment. I quickly agreed because it might tire her out, meaning I could have some alone time later...

Plus, it's nice to see her having so much fun, especially since all that the world has taken from her.

"Tasha, hurry up!" she tells me, letting go of my hand and running off speedily.

"Alright, Tigger. I'm coming," I laugh, jogging to catch up with her.

It's possible that she could beat Steve at running.

"If I'm Tigger then you're Piglet."

"How do you figure that?" I ask, opening up the doors to the training room with my handprint.

"Because you have crippling anxiety," she says nonchalantly, walking straight over to the tall slide that we use to practice our landings if we're flung in the air. It's how I mastered my 'pose', as my sister would say.

"I do not," I reply in confusion. I can get a bit anxious at times, the big bad Black Widow does have feelings, but I wouldn't call it crippling.

"Uncle Tony said you have crippling anxiety."

"Well, I don't. Now are you gonna climb up that ladder to go down the slide or what?"

She quickly nods and makes her way up the ladder.

If I know Y/N, and I do, she's going to go down that slide at least thirty times before doing anything else.


"Y/N, we only have about twenty minutes left. Is there anything else you wanna do?" I ask seeing as we've spend the past four hours in the training room. I've been doing actual training whilst she's been messing around.

"What are those monkey bars up there?"

"Oh, those are for Peter to practice swinging on. They're very high, I'm not sure it's safe for you to go on."

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