You wanna get hit?

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Chapter 5

The same day, 1:47 pm

At school

Jayla's POV

Jayla: I'm fine. Really.

Claire: Alright. Well I'm here if you ever need to talk.

Jayla: Thanks, but I'm ok, right now.

The bell rings, and now we have to go to separate classes. Which means that I don't have anyone to protect me from what's waiting for me. Kyle Jenkins. The person who hates me the most. The short version of why he hates me is basically: He asked me out, I said no, he got pissed and decided to make my school life hell. I said "short version" as if that's not all that happened. That's literally the full story. He couldn't take no for an answer, so he decided to bully me. It started about 3 months ago. He started bullying me, the second I said no to him. He trips me in the halls, teases me about whatever he can think of, throws things at me. He's never put his hands on me, though, which I'm thankful for. But he's still a bully, who can't take no for an answer. I try to avoid him at all costs, but we have 4 classes together, so it's kinda hard.

Kyle: Jayla.

Just keep walking, Jayla. Class is a few steps away. Just keep walking.

Kyle: Hey. He steps in front me, blocking me from getting to class. What the fuck, are you deaf?

Jayla: No. I just don't wanna talk to you. I hoped that if I didn't answer, you'd go away. Obviously, I was wrong.

Kyle: I see you're feeling extra bitchy today.

Yeah, I am. Mainly because you never leave me the fuck alone. Whether or not we're in the same classes, he always finds me and finds a way to fuck with me. There's no escape from this asshole. So yeah, I am feeling extra bitchy today.

Jayla: Please just leave me alone. I'm not in the mood for this, today.

Kyle: Well that sounds like a personal problem. Because I'm in the mood for this, today.

Jayla: Right. Of course you are. Because you obviously have nothing better to do than fuck with me. Right? It's not like you have a class to get to. I mean, maybe it doesn't matter. You're failing anyway.

Kyle: You wanna get hit? Do you think I'm scared to hit a female?

Jayla: The fact that you refer to women as "females" tells me all I need to think about you.

Kyle: The fuck's that supposed to mean?

Jayla: Well, to dumb it down for you, "woman" is a human being. "Female" is what's in between her legs. You refer to woman as what's between their legs, meaning that when you're talking to me, you don't see a person. You see a walking vagina. So we have nothing more to say to each other.

Kyle: Bitch-

Jayla: Bye, Kyle.

I walk around him and into class. Thankfully, this isn't one of the classes that we share. I know I'm gonna have to deal with him later, but I'm done with him for now, so I guess it's fine. Although, I'd rather not deal with him at all. Ever. But we can't always have what we want. I want to be at home, doing literally anything that's not school work. But I'm grounded, so it's either homework or reading. But I'd still rather be at home than at school. At least at home, I have brothers to bother, when I get bored. Here at school, I can't just get up and bother people, when I feel like it. That's one of the reasons I hate it here. I can't do what I want. And what I want doesn't consist of sitting still. Ever. Especially not when I'm told that I have to. I don't understand why I HAVE to be sitting down in order to do my school work. Why can't I stand up? I can do my work, standing up. So why isn't that an option? Why can't I work standing up, like I want to?

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