I'm bored

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Chapter 39

Wednesday, 11:42 am

In the bunker

Jayla's POV

I'm in the library, trying to focus on my school work. It's not working. Either that or I'm not trying hard enough. But I'm not really interested in doing this. It's Science, and nothing interesting is happening. I'm just sitting here, watching a 30 minute lesson about...I don't know, Science stuff. Claire seems to be doing fine, but I'm bored and I'd much rather be doing literally anything else. But Sam won't let us do anything else until we're done with our school work. He lets us do stuff like take bathroom breaks and eat lunch. And he lets us get snacks, every once in a while. But he doesn't let us do fun stuff, like anything that doesn't involve school work. I'm bored. I'm bored and I wanna do something else.

Jayla: Bubby?

Sam: Hm?

Jayla: I'm bored.

Sam: Then finish your work so you can go do something else.

This bitch. What do you think I'm trying to do? I'm literally trying my best to finish my work. But it's not working, BECAUSE I'M BORED AND DON'T WANNA FUCKING DO THIS ANYMORE!

Jayla: I'm trying. But this is boring and I don't wanna do it anymore.

Sam: You only have 2 more subjects after this one. Finish those, then you can go do something else.

You say "only" like that's a small number. When it comes to classes and how much work I have left, it's not. It's not a small number. It's a really big number, and it frustrates me. Do you think I wanna sit here and deal with 2 more subjects worth of work? No. I don't. This is stupid, and I wanna do something else. If I can't go do something else, then the least you can let me do is take a break. Just a small break, then I'll come right back and finish my school work. Maybe. I'll think about it.

Jayla: But I wanna do something else, now.

Sam: Well that's too bad. You're not finished with your work.

So? I've taken a break before I finished my work before. I don't see the problem you're having.

Jayla: So? Why can't I just take a break? I've done it before and-

Sam: And you refused to come back and finish your work. We practically had to drag you back in here. And you proceeded to rant about not wanting to do it, until you were done with everything. So no, you're not taking a break. Or, you can take a break, in here. Because I'm not doing what you did last time, again. I'm not in the mood for that.

Well that's too damn bad. Because I am in the mood for that. So you can suck my dick. I'm taking a break whether you like it or not. Because I didn't fucking ask what you wanted me to do. I told you what I'm going to do.

Listen, Kid जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें