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Chapter 33

Saturday, 3:42 am

In the bunker

Claire's POV

I'm in my room, waiting for a text from Julia. We're going to her boyfriend's birthday party. He's 21, so he's having a party, with LOTS of alcohol. I'm waiting for Julia to text me, saying she's outside. She's picking me up and we're gonna go to the party together. I thought I'd have to work to keep this a secret from Sam and Dean, but so far, it's been easy. I got ready, and made it to the garage without anybody noticing. I know for a fact that Sam's awake, but I think he's in his room, doing nerd stuff. Dean's asleep, in the living room. He fell asleep watching a movie. Jayla's asleep, too, in her room. I'd have invited her, but she's afraid to do stuff like this. She tried once, and she got caught. I think that's why she doesn't wanna do it again. But me? I'm not scared of Sam or Dean. What are they gonna do? Ground me? Ok? And? I'll just sneak out again, when they're not paying attention.

Julia: I'm here.

Finally. She took forever to get here, but I'm pretty sure it's because she had to stop for gas. And she drives slow. She has this thing about "following the rules of the road" or something like that.

Claire: Coming.

I go outside and find Julia, waiting for me in her car. I get in and she starts driving us to the party.

Julia: Do you have any idea how hard this place was to find?

That's kinda the point of a secret bunker. But you don't need to know that it's supposed to be a secret...

Claire: I know. I'm sorry. I just couldn't drive myself because I'd have to take one of my brothers' cars, and I don't like driving at night.

Julia: That's what I'm here for. I love driving at my brother's car.

Claire: You stole his car again?

She steals her brother's car a lot. And last time, he got really pissed and told their Mom, who was also really pissed. Julia got grounded and we couldn't talk, outside of school, for like a month.

Julia: It's not stealing if I plan on bringing it back.

Claire: Didn't he get, like, really pissed last time?

Julia: Yeah. But he got over it. And this time, he won't find out. He's not even home. His friend picked him up to go get high in his basement.

Claire: So, you and your brother both snuck out tonight?

Julia: Yeah. That's why he can't snitch on me this time. Because if he does, I'll just snitch on him, too.

Claire: Blackmail. I love it.

Listen, Kid जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें