You coming?

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Chapter 20

The same day, 3:12 pm

At school

Jayla's POV

I'm outside, waiting for Dean to get here. I had a long day, without my best friend. I'm pretty sure Dean signed her out early. He said he would, this morning, and I didn't see Claire at lunch. So I think she's with Dean. I actually had a good day today, but it would've been nice to have my best friend there. I needed someone to talk to, and she wasn't here. Stacy's been a bit of a bitch lately, and Taylor's sick, so she's not at school. Kyle's here, though. But he hasn't said anything to me. He hasn't even looked at me today. I'm not complaining. I just never thought he'd actually leave me alone. For the first time in 6 months, I actually had a good day at school. Now I'm waiting for Dean's slow ass to get here. How the fuck is he so damn slow? Or am I just impatient? Both. It's both. He's super slow and I'm super impatient.

Dean: Jay.

I look over and see Dean and Claire, waiting for me to get in the car.

Dean: You coming?

Jayla: Yeah, I'm coming.

I get in the car and Dean starts driving us to Jody's house.

Dean: Well, how was your day? Kyle say anything to you?

Jayla: It was fine. I actually had a good day. But it would've been nice to have at least one of my friends to talk to.

Claire: I'm sorry. Dean picked me up right after lunch started.

Jayla: It's fine. I figured you were here, but I was kinda lonely.

Because my other friend is a fake bitch and my other one's sick.

Dean: You can have your friend back on Monday. Ok?

Jayla: Ok.

Dean: I'm bringing Claire home. Do you want me to drop you off at home, first?

Jayla: No. Sam's gonna make me do my homework, and I don't feel like it right now.

Dean: Alright. But you are gonna do your homework when we get home.

Jayla: I don't even have that much.

Dean: Then it shouldn't take you long to do it. Then you can do whatever you want for the rest of the weekend.

I was gonna do whatever I wanted for the rest of the weekend anyway. You can't give me permission to do what I want. I'm gonna do it anyway. But nice try.

Claire: Hey, did you hear about Ricky, from Science class?

Jayla: Yeah. Julia broke up with him because he cheated on her.

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