You have school in the morning

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Chapter 13

Sunday, 11:30 pm

In the bunker

Jayla's POV

I'm in my room, trying to sleep. I can't. I can't sleep. How the hell am I supposed to fall asleep, knowing that Kyle's gonna be able to bully me again, tomorrow? And after I hit him, his grudge against me most definitely got bigger. So I'm definitely gonna have the absolute worst time of my fucking life, tomorrow. I was supposed to be asleep, 2 hours ago, but it's almost midnight and I haven't fallen asleep once yet. I haven't even started falling asleep. I can't fall asleep when I can't stop thinking about Kyle and the shit that he's probably gonna do to me. He's never put his hands on me before, but I hit him. So he's definitely gonna start using physical violence against me. I miss the times when the only bullies I had to deal with were my brothers. At least when the guys pick on me, I know that they're joking. I know that it's nothing serious. They're just picking on me, like siblings do. But Kyle is a legitimate bully, who actually wants to hurt me. I wish he'd leave me alone or that Mrs. Jenkins would do something to make him stop.

Dean: Jayla Lynn Winchester.

I jump in surprise and sit up, having not even heard him in the hall. I'd usually have heard him or Sam coming towards my room, and I'd have been able to pretend to be asleep. But this time, there's too much on my mind and I didn't hear him.

Dean: What the hell are you doing up? I sent you to bed, 2 hours ago.

Jayla: Um, well, I couldn't sleep-

Dean: So you've been playing on your phone for 2 hours?

Jayla: No. Maybe 30 minutes.

Dean: Jayla, you have school in the morning-

Jayla: I know. That's why I can't sleep. Because I have school in the morning.

Dean: Is this about that kid that's been messing with you?

Jayla: What do you think?

Dean: Kid, we already talked about this. If he bothers you again-

Jayla: Say something. I know. But I don't want him to bother me again. And I know he will. Hitting him, and getting you and Sam involved only made things worse for me. Now he's gonna be harder on me than he already was.

Dean: Sweetheart, you know I hate to say this, but there isn't much I can do about him. I can't follow you around school to make sure he leaves you alone. I wish I could, but I can't. I can't beat him up or physically harm him, because he's a minor. If he wasn't-

Jayla: He's not.

Dean: What?

Jayla: Kyle's 18.

That's the part that I really didn't wanna tell the guys. If they were to find out that I'm being bullied by an adult, they'd probably kill Kyle. But Dean just found out and so far, all he's doing is staring at me, looking like he's barely holding himself together. He probably is. He just found out that an adult has been bullying his little sister. I don't know what it feels like to be an older sibling, but I'd assume that that information upset him. Also knowing Dean personally, I know that this information upset him. And the last thing he wants is to be pissed off, in the middle of the night. The last thing I wanted was to piss him off, in the middle of the night. But here we are. I know he's not mad at me, but he's still mad. I don't want him to be mad, but this whole bully situation is pissing me off. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of going to school every day, just to not be able to focus on anything because I'm being bullied by some asshole that has nothing better to do with his time.

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