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Chapter 23

The same day, 10:44 am

In the bunker

Dean's POV

I'm in Jayla's room, with her asleep practically on top of me. I don't mind. She's sick, probably because of somebody at school. Kids really don't know how to keep their germs to themselves. Now, because of someone else's gross children, my kid's sick. I'm gonna have to wake her up soon, so that she can eat something. I wanna let her sleep, but it's almost 11 and she hasn't eaten anything yet. I gently shake her, but she doesn't move. I try again, but she still doesn't move. Jayla's always been a heavy sleeper, especially when she's sick.

Dean: Jayla.

Nothing. I reach over and turn on her lamp, because usually turning on a light wakes her up. But she doesn't move. She just groans and hides her face in my chest.

Dean: Wake up, Sweetheart. You gotta eat something.

Jayla: No.

Dean: Kid, this isn't-

Jayla: I'm not hungry.

She's not gonna wanna eat if she's not feeling well. But I can't just let her not eat. She needs to eat. She won't feel any better if she doesn't eat anything all day.

Dean: You don't have to eat much. Just enough to say that you ate something. Maybe just a few bites. Even just a piece of toast would be fine.

Jayla: Can I have a bagel?

That's a good sign. A sign that she's probably feeling better. She likes bagels. Hell, there's not much that she wouldn't do for a bagel.

Dean: Yeah. You can have a bagel. But you gotta get out of bed, first.

Jayla: Why?

Dean: So you don't fall asleep before I can bring you your bagel. Come on. Get up.

Jayla: Bubba-

Dean: You can come back to bed after you eat. But right now, you have to eat something, and that's not something that I'm willing to discuss. You're eating. Ok?

She doesn't say anything for a few seconds, and I start to think that she fell back to sleep. But then she gets off of me and out of bed, and makes her way to the door. She looks back at me, with a tired look in her eyes, but I can still tell that she's silently rushing me.

Jayla: The bagel's not gonna get itself.

Whether or not she was sick, she'd need me or Sam to get the bagels down for her. They're on a high shelf, that she can't reach.

Dean: I'm coming. Just give me a second.

I get out of bed and walk to the door, where Jayla's still giving me that rushy look.

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