Just because

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Chapter 18

Thursday, 4:46 pm

In the bunker

Dean's POV

I'm on the phone with Claire, and Sam and I are about to go find the little asshole that's been bullying Jayla. I probably should've called Claire, this morning, rather than right now. It would've saved me so much frustration.

Claire: Me trying to go somewhere is none of your business.

Dean: Claire, what did we talk about, the last time you snuck out?

Claire: I don't know. You really think I was paying attention?

Dean: I was hoping you were paying attention, but I knew, deep down, that you weren't.

Claire: So if you knew the answer, why'd you still ask?

Dean: Listen, Kid, I'm not in the mood for this right now. I just wanted to talk to you about what you did last night. But I think this talk's gonna have to be in person, since I'm not getting through to you, over the phone. So you can expect a visit from me and Sam, either later today or some time tomorrow.

Claire: I'll be at school tomorrow. But nice try.

She really thinks I can't check her out of school? Jody put me and Sam on her emergency contacts list. Which means that we can also check her out of school, if we find it necessary.

Dean: I can pull you out of school. You know that, right?

Claire: Really? Since when?

Dean: Since you started going to that school. If I find it necessary, I can pull you out tomorrow, and we'll have a nice, long talk about your behavior.

Claire: Why? We don't need to talk about my behavior.

Dean: You weren't listening to a thing I've said to you, were you? Not a word?

I know she wasn't. She never listens, unless it's something she's interested in. And like any other teenager, she's not interested in talking about her behavior.

Claire: I was, but you lost me, when you started talking about attitudes and behaviors.

So, she didn't hear a word after "Hey. We gotta talk", which were the first words I said when she picked up the phone.

Dean: Right. We'll finish this conversation in person. I'm not gonna lecture you over the phone, knowing that you're not even paying attention.

I honestly should've learned my lesson, from Jayla, about trying to lecture teenagers over the phone. They're less likely to listen, over the phone. They can put their phones away or just not respond.

Claire: No. You don't have to-

Dean: Too late. I'll be there, around lunch tomorrow.

Claire: But Dean-

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