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Chapter 48

The same day, 9:45 pm

In the bunker

Claire's POV

We just got home and Sam's taking me to Dean. I'm pretty sure he's in the kitchen. I'm also pretty sure he's gonna be pissed at me when he finds out what happened. He already knows that I was arrested, but he doesn't know why. He doesn't know that I chose to go to a party, or that I lied to both of them about what was gonna be happening at Tyler's house.

Sam: We're back. He says as we walk in to the kitchen.

Dean turns to us and looks me dead in the eyes. I can't tell what he's feeling towards me, but he's definitely feeling some kind of anger. The kind of anger that doesn't show in the eyes.

Claire: Dean-

Dean: I'm gonna give you exactly 60 seconds to explain yourself. If you did what I think you did, which is going to another party, filled with alcohol, cigarettes, and people you have no business being around, I'm gonna spank you. You are going to bed on a sore ass, and you are not leaving this house for 3 months. Your 60 seconds starts now. Go.

I've never been so nervous to explain anything to somebody. Especially Sam or Dean. They're like, the easiest people to talk to. They might be pretty annoying sometimes, but they're really easy to talk to. You can tell them whatever you want to, and they most likely won't get mad. They're usually happy with whatever you say to them, as long as it's the truth. That's why I'm not even gonna try to lie to Dean about what happened tonight. I don't wanna lie, because I'm already in enough trouble. Lying wouldn't help me, like, at all. It would only get me in to more trouble than I'm already in. After I tell Dean everything, and that I knew about most of it, he doesn't say anything. He just looks at me. This time, I can see the anger in his eyes.

Claire: I know it was wrong, and I shouldn't have gone to another party like that. I'm sorry. Like, really sorry. I never wanna do that again.

Dean: Good. But that doesn't help the fact that you did it, tonight. Grab me that wooden spoon, and meet me in my room. You have 5 minutes to meet me in my room, before I come looking for you. Don't make me come looking for you.

Claire: Ok.

Normally, I would've put up the biggest fight of my life to not have to get spanked with a wooden spoon. But right now, I'm tired, and I kind of understand his anger. Dean leaves the room, and I get the wooden spoon. I turn to Sam, who's still mad, but less mad than before.

Listen, Kid Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz