I'm not talking to you

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Chapter 41

The same day, 6:23 pm

In the bunker

Dean's POV

I'm in my room, listening to Sam and Claire argue. According to Jayla, they've been at each other's throats all day. She doesn't know why. They've apparently just been arguing about random stuff all day. Normally, I'd step in and shut this down. But I can't step in every time one of the girls starts an argument with Sam. They'll never listen to him, if I intervene every time. That'll only teach them to listen to me. Or to argue with Sam when I'm not around. I wanna let Sam handle this one, on his own.

Sam: Claire, just listen to me for 2 seconds-

Claire: No! You don't treat Jayla like this! You give her patience and time to explain herself! Why can't I have that?!

Sam: Don't even start that. You know we give you and Jayla the same treatment. We try to treat you both equally, and you know that. You're just mad because-

Claire: Because you keep badgering me about something that's none of your damn business!

Sam: You smoking behind our backs is very much my business!

Or maybe I will intervene. I get off my bed and open my bedroom door. They're close enough to my room, to hear the door open, and now they're looking at me. Sam looks pissed, and Claire looks a little scared.

Dean: You wanna tell me what this is about? I ask while walking towards them.

Claire: Nothing. It doesn't matter.

Sam: It does matter. Either you're gonna tell him, or I will.

Claire: Oh, my God! You're such a fucking snitch!

Dean: Hey! I smack the back of her head You're the one that's been smoking behind our backs! So you don't get to yell at him! You did something that you knew you weren't supposed to be doing, and now you're in trouble! Own up to what you did, and take the punishment for it!

Claire: There is no punishment, because I did nothing wrong!

Sam: You're 18 years old, Claire! You shouldn't be smoking!

Claire: Most 18 year olds smoke! It's not a big deal! You guys just want something to yell about! Get off my ass!

Dean: Listen, Kid, and listen good. You are way too damn old to be acting this way, over something that you did, that you knew you'd get in trouble for. You don't get to do shit like smoking underaged, and then get mad at us because you got caught. You were caught smoking. That means that you either used a fake ID, or you went out and stole cigarettes, because you like to steal. Or one of your little friends bought or stole them for you. That has nothing to do with us. You made that decision, and you got caught. Now you are in trouble for that decision. So you're not gonna stand here and be mad at us, because you shouldn't have been smoking. You're 18, Claire. That means that you're legally an adult, and you can do certain things that 17 year olds can't. It doesn't mean that you can go around stealing things from local gas stations and supermarkets. No age is gonna give you the privilege to do that. So guess what. You're not doing it. You can be mad at us for not letting you behave like this, all you want. But I'm not gonna let you grow up to be a little thief. So you and me, we're gonna go to my room, and I'm gonna spank you, then you're gonna hand over whatever cigarettes or vapes you have.

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