Watch your mouth

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Chapter 10

Thursday, 2:23 pm

In the bunker

Jayla's POV

Sam: You can't keep this attitude up, Jayla!

Jayla: I didn't even do anything! I don't understand why you're so mad!

Sam: Because you don't listen and you've got a smart ass mouth!

I don't have a smart ass mouth. You just keep saying dumb shit that deserves smart ass remarks. How's that my problem?

Jayla: No, I don't! You just keep saying dumb shit, and I don't know how else to respond!

Sam: Watch your mouth! Like I've told you, 3 times already!

Jayla: But you just said-

Sam: It doesn't matter what I said! I'm an adult! And I'm not the one in trouble for being a smart ass, who doesn't listen!

I listen just fine. You're just upset because you're in one of your moods. You feel like being dramatic because you're having your manly monthly. It's ok. It happens to the best of us.

Jayla: I do listen-

Sam: No, you don't! You listen when you want to! And that's usually when you want something or you wanna go somewhere! You don't listen, all the time, like you're supposed to!

Jayla: Well maybe if you'd get off my ass, I'd wanna listen!

He smacks the back of my head, catching me completely off guard. It didn't hurt. I just didn't expect him to hit me.

Jayla: What the hell was that for?!

Sam: I just told you to watch your mouth!

Dean: What the hell's going on in here? I can't leave for 20 minutes without you two going at each other's throats?

Jayla: He started it!

Sam: I didn't start shit! She's-

Dean: What we're not gonna do is bring the cursing to me. You might wanna curse at each other, but that's something that you need to take up with each other. Not me. I want one of you to tell me what happened, calmly, and without cursing.

Sam: I asked her to-

Jayla: No. He aggressively told me to-

Sam: Aggressively? Seriously? How was I being aggressive?

Jayla: You just were.

Sam: "You just were"? Really?

Dean: Alright. You two obviously need a minute away from each other. Jayla, go wait for me in your room. I'll-

Jayla: I'm in trouble now?

Sam: You were already in trouble.

Jayla: Fuck off!

Dean: Jayla Lynn!

I jump in surprise and look up at him.

Dean: I'm trying really hard not to pick sides here, but you're making that a little difficult. I told you to go wait for me in your room. But instead, you're yelling and cursing at Sam. This is your last chance to go wait for me in your room, before I take you there myself.

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