Do you want a spanking?

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Chapter 50

Wednesday, 3:00 pm

In the bunker

Jayla's POV

I'm in my room, playing Minecraft. I'd be playing it with Claire, but she's grounded because of what happened, the other night. She's grounded for 3 months. So, for the next 3 months, I'm gonna be playing Minecraft by myself. I like playing by myself, but I think I prefer playing with someone else.

Sam: Jayla Lynn Winchester!

Shit. I don't even know what I did. But judging by the sound of his footsteps, he's not happy with me.

Jayla: What?

Sam: Kid He stops at the door and looks at me did I not ask you, multiple times, to move your shoes?

Jayla: I don't know.

Sam: You don't know? You were right there. I asked you to move your shoes, 5 times already. I told you to either put them by the stairs, or bring them in your room. But what did you do instead? You kept walking right by them, leaving them were they are. And guess who just busted his ass because he tripped over your shoes.

He fell? And I missed it? Damn. I bet it was hilarious.

Jayla: You fell?

Sam: Yeah. Because you didn't wanna move your shoes, like I asked you to.

Jayla: Maybe you should watch where you're going.

Sam: Jayla Lynn, I'm really not in the mood for this right now. You were asked to move your shoes, you didn't, I tripped over them. Maybe instead of being a smart ass, you should go move your shoes.

Jayla: Can't you do it?

Sam: No, Jayla. I'm not gonna do the thing that I've asked you to do, 6 times now. I won't ask again. Go move your shoes.

Jayla: Can I finish this, first?

Sam: Do you want a spanking?

Shit. I didn't know he was actually not in the mood. I thought that this was one of those times that he or Dean just say that to make me and Claire behave.

Jayla: No. But-

Sam: But nothing. If I have to ask again, I'm taking you over my knees. Then, you're gonna move your damn shoes.

Jayla: I just wanna finish my-

Sam: Come here. He says while walking over to me.

How do you expect me to "Come here" when you're coming to me? What sense does that make? None. It makes no fucking sense. When he gets to me, he takes my phone out of my hands. BITCH?! I'M TRYING TO BUILD STUFF!

Jayla: Hey-

Sam: You can have it back when we're done.

He puts my phone on my nightstand and sits down, next to me. The next thing I know, he's trying to get me over his knees. And, uh, I'm not getting spanked today, so I do what any logical human being would do. I run. As I'm running down the hall, I run dead in to Dean. Now I'm on the ground, and my ass hurts.

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